Bethesda hired a Skyrim and Fallout 4 mod to work on Starfield

A prominent mud known for her Skyrim And Fallout 4 mods has revealed that she was hired by Bethesda to be one of them Star field‘s ‘enlightenment and clutter’ artists.

As a PC gamer reports, Emmi Junkkari – better known online as Elianora – has gained notoriety in the gaming community for her mods, and in particular her house and outfit mods. On Nexus Mods, the number of downloads Junkkari’s work has accumulated speaks for itself, with the most popular being ‘Eli’s Armor Compendium’ for Fallout 4 (at the time of writing, it has been downloaded over three million times).

Junkkari announced her involvement Star field in a statement on Twitter: “I was just pretending to say I had no idea what Star field would be and what Bethesda might be up to,” she wrote. “I feigned my amazement at ladders, the spaceflight and the awe-inspiring level of detail of the environments, and I pretended to be totally unexpectedly in awe of the mess. Actually… I installed some of that junk myself. I am part of this game.

“The only thing that was ‘real’ all along was my hype level,” she continued. “When we watched the Direct together, I was hyped, because of the game, but also because I saw how much everyone would love the game and how much everyone already loved it.

“I can now admit to the community that I am part of it Star field developer. Bethesda hired me as a light and clutter artist to work on Star field.”

fans have congratulated Junkkari: “This makes me so incredibly happy. I have been following your mod content for years and to watch you fulfill your dreams as a Bethesda developer is so heartwarming. Congratulations El”, one tweeted. “That’s great. It’s incredible that we all get to discover this new game that you helped create. Keep up the great work,” another wrote.

In addition to her official involvement, Junkkari has done just that teased that she already has “a bunch” of mods planned for the game, so stay tuned.

While Starfield is now available to play in early access, it will be available to everyone on September 6. Be sure to check out our Starfield pre-order guide if you want to buy it. You can also view our list of upcoming matches to see what else is coming soon.

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