Best Opinion of BS: Redefining Stardom, AI Alone Isn't Enough and More

Prime Minister Narendra Modi with Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, Chinese President Xi Jinping, South African President Cyril Ramaphosa and Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov pose for a photo during the BRICS Leaders Retreat 2023 (Photo: PTI)

In his latest column 'Weekend Ruminations', TN Ninan discusses Goldman Sachs' prediction that four emerging economies (Brazil, Russia, India and China) would grow to eventually match and then overtake the world's six largest economies. the US, Japan, Germany, Great Britain, France and Italy. Read here

The problem we will face in 2024 is that the gap between the speed of innovation and that of regulatory action is widening where it counts, writes Mihir S. Sharma Read here

It can be argued that the widespread adoption of the common base model, such as ChatGPT or DALL-E, trained on the ubiquitous Internet dataset, can promote homogeneity between companies, especially in small and medium enterprises, where proprietary data or models are lacking, writes Ajay Kumar. . Read here

Devangshu Datta talks about the pollution problem in Northern India. Read here


“The better-than-expected growth in the second quarter and India's emergence as the fastest-growing major economy in the first half of FY24 have improved growth prospects and prompted several domestic and international agencies to raise GDP growth forecasts for FY24.”

Semi-annual economic review of the Ministry of Finance

First print: December 30, 2023 | 6:30 AM IN THE MORNING IST

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