Best of BS Opinion: Organizing for energy transition, new beginnings and more

Illustration: Ajay Mohanty

Head to the heart of Dalal Street. Ways to reform Indian energy policy. More about environmental protection in India. Reading for today

Tamal Bandyopadhyay: Are private investors better able to read the markets than institutional investors? Are they getting smarter?

Ajay Shah & Akshay Jaitly For example, the energy transition in India requires a restructured Ministry of Energy. There are examples from Europe and South America.

Sunita Narain establishes a framework for environmental action in the wake of the new government taking office. Building and rebuilding trust and institutions is, as always, key.

The first edit says that for achieving better policy results in the next five years, it will be important that Parliament can function well. The second edit sees benefits in central bank’s pause on interest rate hikes. At this stage it made sense to await the new government’s fiscal stance.


Whatever work you are assigned, do it sincerely and be humble, as loving those who are humble.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi to future ministers

First print: June 10, 2024 | 6:30 AM IN THE MORNING IST