Best of BS Opinion: Barriers to Entry, from Modi 1.5 to Modi 3.0 and beyond

Illustration: Ajay Mohanty

Read everything about the course of the elections. And about a public sector banker.

Modes 1.5 to Modes 3.0 — That’s how it is Debashis Basu describes the progress

Mihir S Sharma: A lackluster campaign leads to some differences in economic strategy. The shortage of the opposition’s narrative on employment has given the ruling party an advantage.

Tamal Bandyopadhyay says the journey of a bank officer is a story of sacrifice and the support provided by family. Often the officer, like many others, feels that he has done well professionally, but that he has probably been unfair to his family. Looking back, he becomes melancholy and remembers the lines from The Owl by Edward Thomas:


This is the era of Modi. We enter the (enemy) house and take decisive action.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi

First print: May 20, 2024 | 6:30 AM IN THE MORNING IST

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