Best BS Opinion: Group tax regime for infrastructure and telemarketing calls

Illustration: Binay Sinha

In his first address to the nation from the ramparts of the historic Red Fort after securing a third consecutive term, Prime Minister Narendra Modi spent much time on the idea of ​​transforming India into a developed country by 2047. Our editorial on the speech notes that one of the crucial elements in India’s development journey will be its ability to harness a young and growing workforce. This will require a substantial improvement in education and skills levels. Read here

In other views

Without lowering production costs and simplifying regulations, foreign investment, including from China, can only result in superficial production that is heavily dependent on imports, writes Ajay Srivastava. Read here

Tax consolidation for special purposes is desirable, argues Vinayak Chatterjee. Reading here


“I have seen that after the elections, most of the people who want to meet me in my third term are investors… This is a golden opportunity. I urge the state governments to attract investors.”

Prime Minister Narendra Modi

First publication: Aug 16, 2024 | 06:30 AM IST