‘Being trans or non-binary is a new sub-culture… but we risk raising a nation of chemically castrated children’: Doctor who spent 12 years working with vulnerable patients at the Tavistock warns over gender ideology

A former Tavistock Trust doctor has said Britain could become a nation of chemically castrated children if trans and gender theory is allowed to continue to fester unchallenged.

Dr. Az Hakeem has worked at the Tavistock and Portman Foundation Trust for twelve years and is the author of Detrans: when transition is not the solutionwhich was published this month.

Now a consultant psychiatrist in Harley Street, he told MailOnline that society is in a ‘terrible situation’ when it comes to transgender people – and it’s even worse for those who realize they want to return to their original gender.

Such people are known as detransitioners or detrans.

It is unclear how many transgender people have a gender reassignment transition. Dr. Hakeem said trans activists often claim it is one percent, but this is “made up.”

Former Tavistock Trust Dr.  Az Hakeem (pictured) has said Britain could become a nation of chemically castrated children if trans and gender theory continues to fester unchallenged

Former Tavistock Trust Dr. Az Hakeem (pictured) has said Britain could become a nation of chemically castrated children if trans and gender theory continues to fester unchallenged

Dr.  Az Hakeem worked at the Tavistock and Portman Foundation Trust (pictured) for twelve years

Dr. Az Hakeem worked at the Tavistock and Portman Foundation Trust (pictured) for twelve years

He added that the reality is that no one knows because gender reassignment is “the only medical or surgical procedure for which no follow-up data or follow-up studies have been collected.”

He said 26 per cent of his patients at Tavistock and Portman regretted the switch.

Dr. Hakeem said: “They are in the situation of being adults without genitals, who don’t want to see the services and who disavow the trans community.

‘Everyone uses the term trans, but it is an umbrella term. Nobody talks about transvestites.

Dr. Hakeem's book, Detrans: When Transition Is Not The Solution, was published this month

Dr. Hakeem’s book, Detrans: When Transition Is Not The Solution, was published this month

“It’s so unfashionable to be called a transvestite that they’re lumping them all together as transgender.

“The majority of transgender people are transvestites, which is more of a fetish thing.”

By saying trans, Dr. Hakeem said, “You’re lumping (transsexuals) into people who have fetishes – men who get turned on by wearing women’s clothes, and then men who fantasize about having a vagina and breasts.”

He added: “Children all identify as trans or non-binary.

‘It has become a new subculture. I was a post-punk goth. The current subculture is not a medical condition.

‘They’re not really trans, it’s just a cool thing to do. When I was a goth teenager, thankfully there was no goth identity clinic.

‘We chemically castrate them with puberty blockers. We think it is a treatment, but it is not the solution.

‘It’s a terrible situation.

‘The culture is one where people don’t challenge someone who says he or she is a different gender.

‘Organizations are increasingly continuing with the story that people are born in the wrong body.

“No one is born in the wrong body.”

Dr. Hakeem hopes his book will give a voice to detransitioners, but also “empower people to think outside the very rigid gender stereotype that is presented to them.”

He has also strived to dispel myths about gender identity, such as the existence of being born in the wrong body.

He said: ‘Another example is that if you don’t confirm your child’s gender, they will commit suicide – that’s not true.

“Anyone who has children knows how common it is for children to say, ‘I’m trans, I’m non-binary.’

Dr.  Hakeem hopes his book will give a voice to detransitioners, but also

Dr. Hakeem hopes his book will give a voice to detransitioners, but also “empower people to think outside the very rigid gender stereotype that is presented to them.”

He said: 'More and more organizations are perpetuating the narrative that people are born in the wrong body.  No one is born in the wrong body

He said: ‘More and more organizations are perpetuating the narrative that people are born in the wrong body. No one is born in the wrong body

‘A teacher has suggested, because they are a tomboy, if they have thought about becoming trans.

‘Ideology has entered the system. Many people live in fear that their children will come home and say, “I’m trans.”

‘It’s nonsense.

“When you have a four-year-old, he doesn’t know much about anything. The danger is that we have a country full of castrated children.’

He said the increase in the number of children identifying as transgender was due to ‘a mixture of social pressure and reinforcement by indoctrinated organizations’.

Dr. Hakeem said it was completely normal for a child to do that questioning their gender.

But instead of asking children why they think that, many people simply agree with them, or “affirm” their choice.

He said: ‘There is a great desire for affirmation. Affirmation is not therapy, it is a form of care.

“We take them to gender clinics and physically castrate them.

‘A good therapy is to ask the child how he came to that conclusion, and not just say: ‘Yes, you are (trans)’.

“There’s a myth that people are born in the wrong body.”

He added that the existence of dozens of different genders was “nonsense.”

“It’s not evidence-based. They have seized schools, the police and universities.

‘It’s a bit like people in a cult. They believe it. They are not psychopathic, evil people.

“They have been afraid to believe his. If you’re not for them, you’re against them.

‘That’s why you can’t have a debate.

“They’re trying to destroy you, make you cancel, file a complaint with your employer.”

Dr. However, Hakeem believes there is a way for everyday people to fight back against the wave of pro-confirmation ideology.

He urged people to “go back to faith in reality, common sense and science.”

He said parents whose children claim to be trans should talk to their children about these thoughts, rather than just telling them they are or are not trans.