Was Bec Judd right all along? WAG takes a brutal swipe after her repeated warnings about violent crime in her ritzy Bayside suburb were ignored

Rebecca Judd has criticized the Victorian Government after her repeated warnings about violent crimes in her upmarket suburb of Bayside were ignored.

Opposition Liberal MP James Newbury released crime statistics on Thursday showing 16 home burglaries happening every day in Victoria, with a 43 per cent increase in aggravated burglaries in Bayside.

Rebecca, 41, who lives in a $7.3 million Brighton mansion with her AFL star husband Chris and four children, was outraged by the update and immediately took to Instagram to vent her frustration.

“I’m pretty sure someone warned the government about this in 2022 and it was nonsense,” she said.

“They didn’t care then and they don’t care now. This is a Vic-wide issue and not just Bayside.”

Rebecca Judd (pictured at Glamor On The Grid at the Albert Park Grand Prix Circuit on March 20, 2024) has taken a brutal swipe after her warnings about violent crimes in her upmarket suburb of Bayside were ignored

State Opposition Liberal MP James Newbury posted crime statistics online on Thursday showing 16 home burglaries occur every day in Victoria, and a 43 per cent increase in serious burglaries in Bayside.

Opinion poll

Is Bec Judd right about the rising number of violent crimes in Victoria?

  • Yes, the government must do more 19 votes
  • No, she’s overreacting 7 votes

This is not the first time the footy WAG has criticized the Victorian government for its management of a wave of youth crimes plaguing Melbourne’s most affluent suburbs.

She has previously made headlines for raising concerns about gangs of ‘young people with machetes’.

In June 2022, Rebecca said she felt “unsafe” in her mansion and was “so sick of the rape, bashing and home invasions by the gangs in Bayside.”

“I personally know two women who have experienced house burglaries in Brighton in recent weeks while at home,” she said.

Rebecca also posted CCTV footage of a gang of young men lurking outside properties in her affluent suburb, claiming it made her feel ‘unsafe’.

The teens, who were reportedly armed with knives, were filmed lurking outside several properties in the Bayside area before allegedly crashing a stolen BMW into a tree.

Last year she doubled down on her claim that Melbourne’s elite suburbs are under siege by criminals, and called for changes to the laws young people are breaking.

Rebecca, 41, who lives in a $7.3 million mansion in Brighton with her AFL star husband Chris and four children, was outraged by the update and immediately took to Instagram Stories to vent her frustration

Bec has previously made headlines for raising concerns about gangs of ‘youngsters with machetes’

She has consistently called on Prime Minister Jacinta Allan to ‘fix the system’.

Following the alleged murder of Dr Ashley Gordon by two teenagers, Rebecca said the justice system needs a major overhaul.

‘This story is so sad. The justice system is broken. Fix this Jacinta Allan. Let this be your legacy,” she said.

“Until the prevention-first strategy starts working among teens, keep the community safe and lock up violent offenders.”

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