Beauty guru reveals ‘most underrated’ skincare tool that she says is the ULTIMATE cure for acne: ‘It gets rid of pimples OVERNIGHT’

A beauty guru has declared that a high-frequency wand is the ‘most underrated’ skincare product for fighting acne and inflammation – but is that really true?

Tatyana Lafataa content creator from the US, talked about the tool in a video recently posted to her TikTok.

“Forget serums, forget products, this is the most accurate and efficient way to get rid of pimples, to get rid of pimples, to get rid of inflammation,” Lafata claimed in the clip.

‘It also stimulates collagen, but it kills all the bacteria under your skin.’

In a new video on TikTok, beauty content creator Tatyana Lafata vowed that a high-frequency wand is the ‘most underrated’ skincare product

“Forget serums, forget products, this is the most accurate and efficient way to get rid of pimples,” she told her followers

The influencer swore by the product, explaining that it helps her fight pimples and other skin problems

The influencer added that when she gets a breakout, she likes to ‘zap them away’ with the magic wand, claiming that if you do it the night before, your spot will be gone by the next morning.

And in the comments section of her post, many seemed to agree.

‘Completely underestimated. High frequency is old school and it works! I remember using this in beauty school thirty years ago!’ wrote one person.

Another wrote: ‘Hard to agree. They are great.’

So, is her secret to great skin the real deal?

According to the New York-based dermatologist Dr. Navin S. Arora of Boeralis Dermatology, Lafata could definitely be on to something when it came to using a high-frequency magic wand to achieve a flawless complexion.

He explained that this was not a new concept, as the wand had been used by many for decades.

“High-frequency wands can be an effective tool for improving skin health, boosting collagen production and fighting acne,” Dr. Arora to

Explaining how the wand works, he explained to that the science “lies in their ability to generate electrical currents at high frequencies, typically around 100,000 cycles per second.”

As a result, the wand emits a gentle electrical current to the skin, which can have great benefits.

“When it comes to fighting pimples and pimples, the antibacterial properties of the high-frequency wand play an important role,” the dermatologist said.

‘The electric current creates oxygen molecules that have an antibacterial effect on the skin.

Dr. Maragarita Lolis, a dermatologist at Skin Laser and Surgery Specialists of New Jersey, and Dr. Navin S. Arora of Boeralis Dermatology in New York gave their opinion on the device

‘This can help kill acne-causing bacteria, reduce inflammation and promote faster healing of pimples.’

Dr. Maragarita Lolis, a dermatologist in New Jersey Skin laser and surgery specialists, recommends using the tool on each area for about three to five minutes, one to three times a week.

When the swab is on certain parts of your face, you may feel a tingling sensation or be left with some redness, Dr. Arora to

“It is essential to start with a low intensity setting and gradually increase it to avoid any side effects,” he said.

However, when using a high-frequency wand on your face, it is imperative that you do it properly to avoid unwanted side effects.

“Potential risks include skin irritation, redness and dryness,” explained Dr. Lolis out to

‘People with sensitive skin, pacemakers or metal implants, as well as pregnant people, should avoid the use of high-frequency devices.’

She recommends talking to a dermatologist or other skin care professional before using the wand, especially if you have underlying skin or health issues.

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