Beau Clark, Stassi Schroeder’s husband, jokes about their sex life as the pregnant star hugs kisses

Stassi Schroeder, 34, and husband Beau Clark, 43, are currently expecting their second child, a son.

They are already parents to daughter Hartford, two, and now the commercial casting director fears his sex life is over.

In a TikTok video, the Vanderpump Rules alum puts her pregnancy pillow on the bed, snuggles into it, and captures her husband reacting to it.

When Clark entered the room and saw the pillow, he said, “Aw, f***ing come on! Got the damn pillow? You suck, man. I hate that thing. You know I hate that thing. I never want to see that thing again.’

After Stassi reminded him that she likes the kissing, he said, “There goes my sex life,” as he left the room.

It’s time: In an Instagram video, the Vanderpump Rules alum puts her pregnancy pillow on the bed, snuggles into it, then records how her husband reacts to it

Baby on board: Stassi Schroeder, 34, and husband Beau Clark, 43, are currently expecting their second child, a son

The couple announced last month that they are expecting their second child.

Stassi shared the happy news with her Instagram followers in a post uploaded on March 1.

It featured a photo of Hartford placing a hand on Stassi’s noticeable baby bump as they relaxed on a couch together.

Secrets stress me out. Baby #2, I love you so much already,” the Amazing Race alumnus captioned the post.

She was showered with love from the likes of her BFF Katie Maloney and Glee’s Lea Michele in the comments section of her pregnancy reveal.

In his own IG post, Beau gave fans their first look at the ultrasound images.

“Yeahhhhhh, we were totally hiding the Bump,” the casting director wrote, who also posted a photo of himself touching Stassi’s growing belly.

Just over a week later, Stassi and Beau revealed the gender of their second child on an episode of their podcast The Good, The Bad, The Baby.

“I knew all along we were having a boy,” Stassi boasted. ‘I kept saying it. I felt it. It was an atmosphere. … I don’t know how to explain it.’

Acting: Beau grumbled “My sex life is over” when she saw the offensive kiss

Caught in the act: Stassi and Beau haven’t said when their baby boy will make his debut, but have revealed he was conceived on a December trip to Las Vegas, with a due date sometime in September or October

Stassi and Beau haven’t said when their baby boy will make his debut, but revealed he was conceived during a trip to Las Vegas in December, with the due date sometime in September or October.

In a recent birthday message to Beau, Stassi expressed her excitement about getting “a mini version of you” one day.

Stassi was introduced to Beau in 2017 by her close friends Katie Maloney and Kristen Doute and they started dating soon after.

Beau proposed to the blonde beauty in July 2019 after two years together.

The couple married in September 2020, but had to postpone their big wedding due to COVID-19.

In January 2021, Stassi gave birth to the couple’s daughter, Hartford.

They married for a second time in a lavish ceremony in May 2022 in Rome, Italy.

Stassi was fired in 2020 from the Vanderpump Rules.

Big Sister: The couple are already parents to daughter Hartford, two

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