Baz Luhrmann’s wartime-epic show on Hulu and Disney Plus could give his least popular film a new lease of life

Baz Luhrmanns wartime epic show on Hulu and Disney Plus could

If there’s one thing we know about legendary director Baz Luhrmann, it’s that everything he directs will be spectacular: The Great Gatsby, Moulin Rouge, Elvis…you get the idea. We already knew that Luhrmann is revisiting – or as the publicity puts it, re-imagining – his 2008 film. Australia as a six-part series, but now we have the trailer (just below) to show us exactly what to expect. The show is called Far Downsand will be available for streaming on Hulu in the US and Disney Plus worldwide on November 26, 2023.

The show stars Nicole Kidman and Hugh Jackman as an English aristocrat and an Australian cattle drover respectively, but unlike the film, the show is told through the eyes of a third character, Nullah, played by Brandon Walters. Nullah is a biracial Indigenous child trapped in the government’s horrific Stolen Generations policy.