Bayside Shopping Centre stabbing: Police swarm Frankston venue after customer wounded

Chaos has broken out in a shopping centre after reports of a stabbing.

Police raided the Bayside Shopping Centre in Frankston, south-east of Melbourne, on Tuesday morning after a customer was allegedly stabbed.

An employee told the Herald Sun There was a ‘significant amount of blood’ on the floor, forcing staff to close their stores.

Another female employee added that she had seen “quite a large machete” at a group of about five youths.

A customer said she and her mother were escorted into a store after seeing the pool of blood.

Others on social media also report what they have seen online.

“My partner walked downstairs and all the doors were closed and he saw the kids with the knife and another kid bleeding everywhere,” one person wrote.

The incident has now been resolved and at 11:45 am the shops in the shopping centre were open again.

Victoria Police have been asked for a statement.

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