Barry nice! Top tip from kitchen experts to keep strawberries fresh for WEEKS – would you try it?

There’s nothing worse than craving a sweet and juicy strawberry all day long… just a mush in the fridge.

Well, your summer fruit storage problems are about to go away.

A food TikToker shared an easy kitchen hack on how to keep your strawberries fresher for longer — and you only need two ingredients.

And users were amazed by the trick, with many saying they’ve tried and tested it at home, and it “works great.”

Nicole Modic, mentioned on the social media site @kalejunkie, has gone viral after she posted a video titled “How to keep berries fresh for WEEKS (and how to clean them!)”.

Her video has been viewed nearly half a million times and commented on more than 2,500 times, in awe of her kitchen hack.

In the long video, she gave two scenarios for cleaning and storing your fresh berries if you want to eat them within a few days of purchase.

Nicole Modic, who is featured on the social media site @kalejunkie, has gone viral after she posted a video titled, ‘How to keep berries fresh for WEEKS (and how to clean them!)’

The TikToker said she is often asked what to do with berries you bought fresh, including how to wash and store them

If you plan to eat your berries right away, you can wash them with a salt water solution, pat them dry and they’re ready to use. If you want to keep them for a day or so, you can also put them in a container

And then she gave advice on what to do with the berries you bought in bulk and want to save for later.

Ms Modic started the video by saying ‘One question that comes up every day is how to keep your berries fresh and how to store them and how to wash them.

“So I’m going to tell you everything you need to know.”

She went on to explain that if you plan on eating your berries as soon as you buy them, you should rinse them of all dirt.

But she said before you do that, “go through and get all the moldy ones out, because moisture is the enemy.” And if you have a moldy one and it touches other berries, the rest will also become moldy.’

Once you’ve got the bad ones out of the batch and taken them out, you can put a paper towel in the original container — or a glass container — and refrigerate.

And when it’s time to eat them, Ms. Modic recommends that you “add them to a bowl with a teaspoon of salt to wash your strawberries or other berries.”

You don’t need anything special, she says, covering the salt with water.

“And just leave it on for five minutes, that’s literally all you need to do,” she says.

After you rinse them and pat them dry, you can eat them or store them back in the container with the towel.

If you have a batch of berries that you want to save for a special occasion, a cake or you’ve just had one too many, Ms. Modic explains what to do to keep them fresh for longer

Pop the berries in your fridge after following the tips, and Ms. Modic ‘promises’ that this hack will keep the berries fresh for two weeks

She added that you should not be afraid to add salt, as it does not spoil the taste of the berries.

But if you have a batch of berries that you want to save for a special occasion, a cake or you just ate too many in one sitting, Ms. Modic explained what you should do to keep them fresh for longer.

The influencer said, “I’m going to teach you how to keep your berries fresh and perfect in your fridge for two weeks.”

After putting her berries in a bowl, she went on to say, “Take your berries and put them in a bowl. Get out some vinegar, I’ll put a cup… to three cups of water.

“The ratio is 1:3, so one cup of vinegar, three cups of water.”

Ms. Modic then let the mixture soak for about 10 minutes while explaining that ‘the vinegar removes all the bacteria’.

After 10 minutes have passed, you need to rinse the berries and put them on a towel to dry.

Make sure you dab them well as she reiterated once again that it is important to dry them out because ‘as I said at the beginning moisture is the enemy’.

Once you’ve dried them, place a paper towel in the bottom of your container and place the berries on top. And then put one on top to protect them too.

Pop them in your fridge and Mrs. Modic ‘promises’ that this hack will keep your berries fresh for two weeks.

She kept saying that this tip works for all berries. However, it won’t work if you bought ripe or mushy berries to begin with.

These berry storage tips are a complete game changer, and the comments below Ms. Modic’s TikTok video show just how much people enjoyed her kitchen hack.

The TikToker said this tip works for all berries. However, it won’t work if you bought ripe or mushy berries to begin with

One user wrote: “From a single man who throws away too much fruit, thank you so much for the great advice.”

And a second person said, ‘I’ve been doing it for a few years now. Works well!’

While a third said, ‘Love this! Thanks girl for sharing.’

Another move: ‘I love this! Thank you.’

While another person made a similar recommendation to other users, adding “I keep mine unwashed in a mason jar and I swear they last for weeks!”

And a second wrote, “I soak mine in baking soda and throw a splash of vinegar over it at the end. They come out squeaky clean and last forever!’

Another echoed the same idea, writing, “Put them in mason jars.” They easily last two weeks.’

But others wondered how people have berries in the fridge after a few days, as one person wrote, “Who has any leftover berries?” Seriously, my kids eat these in two days. Flat if I don’t hide them.’

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