Bali Bogans who named Seminyak restaurant after Facebook page reduced to tears after receiving hate


A restaurant owner who named her business after popular Australian travel advice Facebook group ‘Bali Bogans’ has revealed they were pushed to ‘breaking point’ when angry Aussies turned on them.

The proud owners of BB’s Bali Bogan bar and restaurant in Seminyak took to social media to thank their supporters after several members of the 335,000-strong Facebook page took offense at the company’s mimicked name.

The restaurant owners were forced to defend their decision to use the Facebook group as inspiration, arguing that they traveled to Bali up to four times a year and paid a lot of money to register the name.

They told their critics that they expected support, not hate, from their fellow bogans, and the public proof brought them to tears.

The owners have since revealed that Facebook page administrators reached out to explain their side of the story.

The owners of a restaurant named after the popular ‘Bali Bogans’ Facebook page said they had lost sleep after zealous Australians tried to kill their dreams of opening a place on the holiday island (pictured, staff at the BB’s Bali Bogan Bar & Bistro)

The owners said they were pushed to the limit after their dreams of opening a restaurant in Bali were “beaten” by their fellow bogans, and thanked supporters for their support.

“Well what can I say…the love and personal messages I have received today in support of us have been overwhelming,” the post began.

‘It’s heartening to know that there really are more people with kind hearts than people hiding behind their keyboards!

So thank you all. My post last night was not intended to disparage any group or person.

The owners said they were pushed to breaking point after their dreams of opening a restaurant in Bali were ‘defeated’ by fellow bogans.

“I have been pushed to breaking point in the last few weeks, doing all of this on my own. I guess I used my FB post as my Dear Diary last night…’ they wrote.

“My beautiful Balinese staff have supported me while crying, overcome with stress and sleepless.”

The proud Aussies behind the BB Bali Bogan Bar and Restaurant (pictured) took to social media to thank their supporters after receiving hate from some Facebook users.

The restaurant has now revealed that the Bali Bogans Facebook page had reached out to give their side of the story, after they broke down in tears over the ordeal.

BB’s Bali Bogan Bar said it had received an “overwhelming” number of encouraging messages from people who promised to visit the restaurant.

“I would also like to acknowledge that the Bali Bogans Facebook page contacted me today and explained what had happened within their group when someone posted a review about our restaurant,” the post continued.

‘Thank you for your explanations and I have no bad feelings towards your Facebook page.’

Bali Bogans gives advice to travelers planning a Bali vacation. The tips are usually provided by Australian expats living in the Indonesian province full time.

Last week, the owners of the Bali Bogans restaurant were forced to justify the use of the name after negative reviews of the venue were posted on the popular group.

“Sounds like some people on the Bali Bogans Facebook page aren’t happy that we’ve called our restaurant and bar BB’s (Bali Bogans) Bar & Bistro,” the post read.

The owners of a restaurant in Seminyak have revealed they were brought to “breaking point” after members of a Facebook page took offense at the name of the place (sunset in Bali pictured).

The owners said the thought of being banned from the ‘Bali Bogans’ Facebook page was heartbreaking, saying they had paid ‘top dollar’ to register the business name.

The owners of the Bali Bogans restaurant claimed that they treated their Balinese staff (pictured) better and paid them more than other Australian businesses in the area.

“We did this because we ourselves come to Bali three to four times a year and we are definitely Bali Bogans ourselves,” they wrote.

“We have received nasty comments that people will only support Balinese restaurants.”

The owners clarified that most of the premises in Bali were owned by foreigners and that they had hired local builders to build their dream restaurant.

They also employ up to 20 full-time Balinese staff and said they are paid more and treated better than other Australian businesses in the area.

BB’s Bali Bogan Bar & Bistro, located in Seminyak, comes complete with pool tables, children’s play rooms and a beer garden.

Daily Mail Australia has contacted BB’s Bar & Bistro and the Bali Bogans Facebook page for comment.

It is not suggested that the group’s admins were responsible for the negative reviews.

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