Bailey Camilleri: P-plater streaming the Big Bang Theory on Netflix while driving learns his fate in court after killing a school teacher in a horror crash

Bailey Camilleri: P-plater who streams the Big Bang Theory on Netflix while driving learns his fate in court after killing a schoolteacher in a horror crash

A truck driver who streams an episode of The Big Bang Theory on Netflix while behind the wheel has been jailed after fatally crashing into a teacher.

Bailey Camilleri, 22, faced Penrith Court on Thursday, where he was sentenced two years and four months in prison about the death of Gemma Thompson.

The P-plater had previously pleaded guilty to dangerous driving resulting in death for the crash in Llandilo, northwest of Penrith, on November 2, 2021.

In the collision, the 28-year-old schoolteacher was killed instantly when Camilleri’s truck crossed the center line and crashed into oncoming traffic.

Forensic analysis of Mr Camilleri’s phone revealed that he had connected to Bluetooth before leaving work on the day of the accident and started streaming an episode of the American comedy show.

Bailey Camilleri, 22, faced Penrith District Court on Thursday where he was sentenced to two years and four months in prison for the death of Gemma Thompson

Forensic analysis of Mr Camilleri's phone revealed he was streaming an episode of the American comedy show at the time of the crash

Forensic analysis of Mr Camilleri’s phone revealed he was streaming an episode of the American comedy show at the time of the crash

Records showed he streamed the show for about eleven minutes, before Mrs. Thompson was killed at 7:27 am.

Mr Camilleri’s lawyers argued that he was driving under fatigue at the time of the incident.

Judge Sophie Beckett rejected their arguments and ruled that the cause of the fatal crash was because Camilleri was distracted by his phone.

“This sentence should be such that it becomes clear to all road users that driving is a privilege that should only be available to those who obey the traffic rules,” she said.

He will now spend 17 months in prison before being eligible for parole.

In the collision, the 28-year-old schoolteacher (pictured) was killed instantly when Camilleri's truck crossed the center line and crashed into oncoming traffic.

In the collision, the 28-year-old schoolteacher (pictured) was killed instantly when Camilleri’s truck crossed the centerline and crashed into oncoming traffic.

“This crime was born out of youth, inexperience and the general belief of young people that they are immortal,” she said.

The court heard several victim impact statements from Mrs. Thompson’s family and friends, including her fiancé, Max Cunningham.

The couple was expected to marry just two weeks after Mrs. Thompson’s death.

“We had practiced our first dance in the house we had just bought,” Mr Cunningham told the court.

“We were both sure that this was not just one of the greatest chapters of our lives, but the cake of something bright and eternal.”

Mr. Camilleri, who has been in custody since July 4, will be released on December 3, 2024.