Babysitter claims she was left alone overnight with 2 children after their mother ‘met a guy at a bar’ and didn’t come home

A nanny claims she was left home alone with a woman’s children all night after not returning for hours.

Danielle Lobes, a veteran babysitter from Portland, Oregon, agreed to watch two children because she needed extra money for her vacation, but she quickly regretted it.

Almost immediately, the 22-year-old woman walked into a home she described as “messy” and “dirty.” Danielle claimed the home posed a danger to the two children.

When Danielle arrived at 7pm, her mother told her she would be back at 2am.

The 22-year-old claims she did not hear from the woman during the night, despite numerous attempts to contact her.

Danielle Lobes, 22, a long-time babysitter from Portland, Oregon, claims she was upset when a woman she was caring for didn’t come home

Danielle shared her bad experience on TikTok, saying she had a negative feeling when she arrived at the woman’s house

At 2 a.m., Danielle texted the mother asking to borrow a phone charger and was told to check the woman’s bedroom.

At that point the mother was already late, but she did not mention it in her response.

At 5am, Danielle sent another text message to the missing mother, but she still hadn’t returned.

She wrote: ‘I’m a little concerned that something has happened. I know we’ve talked about a late night, which is all well and good, but night care hasn’t been discussed.

Danielle called the police and made sure they stayed with her until the mother finally came home from her big night out

The babysitter took to TikTok to share her account, prompting others to reveal the times they too were left with children

‘At this point I really have to go home because it’s 5 in the morning.’

She asked if there was anyone she could contact to look after the children in the meantime, but received no response.

She began to worry about the safety of her mother, who Danielle said had visited a bar with an alarming reputation.

Meanwhile, the stressed babysitter was faced with questions from the children asking where the mother was.

She claims she had to call the police and report that the mother was not home, at which point Danielle asked the officers to stay with her.

Danielle texted after 2:30am asking if she could borrow a phone charger, but the woman didn’t mention that she was already late getting back

For Danielle, her night of hell finally came to an end when she received a phone call from her mother at 8am the next morning, telling her that she had gone to the house of a man she had met at a bar.

She also said that her phone battery was dead.

During the night, Danielle cleaned the house thoroughly. There was expired food and no beds to sleep in.

The intriguing story caught the attention of online users after it was uploaded on TikTok. One person said: ‘Once I was a baby and the mother didn’t come home until 5am the next morning.

“She was at a wedding and her phone was dead. I was so nervous.”

Another person commented: ‘My own sister did this to me, I didn’t call the cops or anything but she was gone for two hours*, like 10-12 hours late getting home lol.’

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