Avid traveler documents his WILD journey to Utupua, one of the most REMOTE outcrops in the world – where there is no public boat service, no electricity and no MONEY

No money, no electricity, no public boat service, but a strong sense of community – these are just some of the features of one of the most remote islands in the world, as revealed in a fascinating documentary.

YouTuber Lucas Korns look for Utupua, one of the most remote outcrops in the Santa Cruz Island chain, and it can only be reached by private boat.

In a video titled “I Visited the Island Capitalism Never Reached,” Luke begins his journey by flying to the capital of the Solomon Islands, Honiara.

From there he took a smaller plane to Nendo Island, where he met a man named John Mark, who was originally born in Utupua and wanted to return.

YouTuber Luke Korns set out to find Utupua, one of the most remote outcrops in the Santa Cruz Island chain and can only be reached by private boat

Since there is no public boat service to Utupua it can be expensive to get there, but Luke eventually teamed up with a local man to get there

Luke received a warm welcome at Utupua and the islanders celebrated his visit

Since there is no public boat service to Utupua, it can be expensive to get there, but eventually Luke and John Mark band together to rent a small motorized vessel to make the journey.

John Mark explains that he ended up in Lata village in Nendo with his family for work and has been living there for four years.

However, he reveals to Luke that life was much simpler and more fun on Utupua, where no money is needed.

He says, ‘No (I’m) not really happy here in Lata. Once you get here, you have to use money. TThat becomes a frustration for me.’

Luke and John Mark manage to convince a local man to let them rent a boat from him.

They made sure the boat was loaded with enough gasoline, as fuel is nowhere to be found on Utupua.

Before they left, Luke tells viewers: “We had to make sure the weather was absolutely perfect that day because even in perfect weather you never know what can happen.”

John Mark also adds that the journey is “quite dangerous, but we must risk our lives now.”

Towards evening and after a day of travel, the duo finally reaches the shores of Utupua.

Images show islanders coming to greet them, while torches are lit to show them the way.

Utupua has about 1,000 inhabitants and there are five villages

Luke says that because the island receives little outside support, islanders often refer to their homeland as “the forgotten island.”

After getting off the boat, Luke had to ask permission from the head chefs and explain the purpose of his visit to gain access.

According to a 2019 census, Utupua has a population of about 1,000 and there are five villages.

Luke — who initially ventured into a community with about 200 people living there — explained that his goal was to capture a place that “not a lot of Americans talk about,” as a travel-oriented filmmaker.

Despite not being confident in his speech, the chiefs granted him entry and allowed him to stay overnight.

The enthusiastic traveler continues: ‘The next morning I felt, I think, as confused as everyone else.

‘It’s always difficult to break the ice in these kinds of circumstances, but I’ve learned that you just have to go for it.’

Luke discovered that all the villagers were dressed up because there was a religious festival in honor of the new bishop.

His visit was also cause for celebration.

After some singing and enthusiastic dancing, John Mark gave Luke a tour of his village.

Luke discovered that all the villagers had dressed up because there was a religious festival in honor of the new bishop and his visit was also being celebrated

Luke initially ventured into a community where about 200 people lived. Afterwards he visited all the other villages and was always warmly received

Locals say they want more support from the government so they can improve their healthcare and education facilities

The YouTuber discovered that there was no electricity, apart from solar lighting, and he discovered that “within the community here, no money is used at all.”

John Mark explains that in lieu of money, all households invite other members of the village to come and eat and “that’s the beauty of our community… it’s all about sharing.”

The villagers also help each other build shelters using natural resources. The next day John Mark took Luke to another village on the coast.

In the YouTube video, you can see locals excitedly running to the beach to greet them in traditional tribal clothing. From there, Luke checked off all the other villages on the island.

By talking to locals, he discovered that while they are happy to be one with nature, they would like more support from the government so that they can improve their healthcare and education facilities.

Luke says that because the island receives little outside support, islanders often refer to their homeland as “the forgotten island.”

A man Luke meets shows him how a book with a map of the region names all the other islands except Utupua.

In an effort to improve the lives of the people of Utupua, John Mark reveals that he has decided to run for the position of chief communications officer for the island.

He says: ‘TThe system is there, but sometimes part of the system does not address our problems, I am working on that. I have to take care of the people of Utupua and the voice of the people, this is this where I will stay and forever.’

John Mark concludes on a poignant note in which he explains why life on Utupua is so special: ‘The meaning of life is a sense of unity. People walk together, live together in peace, live with nature and the environment.

‘We eat with our hands, we swim in the sea and take care of each other. The meaning of life is about sharing.

‘Sharing what you have with the neediest people in the village and with the relatives and with everyone… one big family here… it’s very beautiful.’

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