Authors of books on vaccines, Big Pharma censored by the Biden admin working with Amazon speak out against ‘modern-day book burning’

President Joe Biden’s administration pressured Amazon to censor books about vaccines during the height of the COVID pandemic, an act tantamount to “modern book burning,” said one of the authors whose work was stifled.

According to internal Amazon emails discovered by House Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, the company created a new “Do Not Promote” category for certain books about vaccines after receiving “criticism from” in March 2021 the Biden administration.”

The correspondence shows that the White House’s displeasure with the “anti-vax” books was the “impetus” for the “Do Not Promote” category, which effectively kept the books hidden from the site.

One of the 43 books added to this list was a book by author Neil Miller titled “Miller’s Review of Critical Vaccine Studies: 400 Key Scientific Papers Summarized for Parents and Researchers,” which was released in 2016.

Speaking exclusively to, Miller blasted the White House and Amazon for censoring his book: “If my book is censored, they are censoring the medical and scientific literature. I don’t agree with today’s book burning.’

US President Joe Biden receives a booster dose of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine, administered by a member of the White House medical unit. According to internal emails from Amazon employees, criticism of the White House was the ‘impetus’ for the company to censor vaccine books

“My book is not political,” Miller continued. “It contains summaries of 400 studies from the National Library of Medicine.”

“If Amazon censors it at the request of the Biden administration, I think they are trying to control the narrative about vaccine safety because my book offers an alternative perspective to what people hear from orthodox sources.”

“There’s nothing in my book that we should be afraid of,” Miller added. ‘In fact, my book should be welcomed because it provides information that enables people to make better-informed decisions about their health care.’

In addition to Miller’s book, Amazon added children’s books and books questioning the influence of big pharmaceutical companies on vaccine trials.

Nearly all, if not all, of the books on the list expressed some skepticism about vaccines.

Miller’s book in particular summarized published research on vaccines, as he noted to

Dr. Robert Sears, who wrote ‘The Vaccine Book: Making the Right Decision for Your Child’, told that he was not surprised to find that his book was also censored by being placed on the ‘Do Not Promote’ list.

“I was not surprised to hear that our government was trying to play a role in suppressing honest and open conversations about something as controversial as childhood vaccines,” he told exclusively.

“But I don’t think our government has been successful in this regard, because now more parents than ever before are questioning the CDC vaccination schedule and considering raising their children vaccine-free.”

President Joe Biden cringes as he gets a COVID booster shot in October 2022

President Joe Biden cringes as he gets a COVID booster shot in October 2022

In this email between Amazon employees, discovered by the House Judiciary Committee, one employee clearly states that they have created a

In this email between Amazon employees, discovered by the House Judiciary Committee, one employee clearly states that they have created a “Do Not Promote” category for “anti-vax books.” They continue to say the ‘impetus’ for ‘this request is critical of the Biden administration’

This email between Amazon employees shows that a total of 43 books have been added to this 'Do Not Promote' list, commissioned by the Biden White House

This email between Amazon employees shows that a total of 43 books have been added to this ‘Do Not Promote’ list, commissioned by the Biden White House

The cover of Miller's book that was added to Amazon's 'Do Not Promote' list after the Biden administration criticized the company for selling the texts

The cover of Miller’s book that was added to Amazon’s ‘Do Not Promote’ list after the Biden administration criticized the company for selling the texts

'The Vaccine Book: Making the Right Decision for Your Child' by Dr.  Robert Sears was another book added to the Do Not Promote list after pressure from the White House

‘The Vaccine Book: Making the Right Decision for Your Child’ by Dr. Robert Sears was another book added to the Do Not Promote list after pressure from the White House

Sears decried how politicized vaccines have become in recent years and said his book, originally published in 2007, has no right or left biases.

“While my book is completely apolitical, the topic of vaccine mandates has become a highly partisan issue,” he said. “The states that have passed mandatory childhood vaccination laws over the past decade have Democratic supermajorities.”

“For reasons that are not clear to me, the Democratic party appears to be pushing vaccine mandates, while the Republican party is not. It appears that ‘my body, my choice’ does not extend to parents having the autonomy to make all medical decisions on behalf of their children.”

Sears also blasted the scientific community for suppressing dissent about vaccines and their effectiveness.

“If you ask most mainstream doctors and vaccine policy makers, they will tell you there is no controversy. The entire CDC vaccination schedule is safe and effective as is, and there is no reason to doubt it or be informed. Therefore, vaccine books are not even necessary. So by its very existence my book is controversial.’

‘If you ask my readers, they’ll tell you there’s nothing controversial about it – it’s just clear, simple, objective information presented in a way that helps parents think through the pros and cons of vaccination so they can make a to make an informed decision – an inalienable right that I believe all parents should have,” he told

In addition, there is a book intended for children entitled ‘What are vaccines?’ by Amber Rae Johnson, was also added to the ‘Do Not Promote’ list, despite calling on children to be friends with each other regardless of vaccination status.

“Under the guise of combating ‘anti-vaccine’ misinformation, Amazon censored everything from children’s picture books to books criticizing Big Pharma,” Jordan wrote on the company’s label fell.

“This is unconstitutional government censorship, period,” the judiciary chairman continued.

Joe Biden celebrates Americans receiving more than 200 million COVID vaccines in April 2021

Joe Biden celebrates Americans receiving more than 200 million COVID vaccines in April 2021

Maria Assisi holds her daughter Mia, 4, as nurse Margie Rodriguez administers the first dose of the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine

Maria Assisi holds her daughter Mia, 4, as nurse Margie Rodriguez administers the first dose of the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine

A child receives a dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine at an elementary school vaccination site for children ages 5 to 11 on Monday, November 22, 2021, in Miami, Florida, USA.

A child receives a dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine at an elementary school vaccination site for children ages 5 to 11 on Monday, November 22, 2021, in Miami, Florida, USA.

“Whether you agree with this speech or not, free speech is free speech and the Biden administration has pressured private companies to censor constitutionally protected speech.”

Jordan is investigating how the administration has overstepped its authority since January 2023, when he created the House Judiciary Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government.

So far, the committee has uncovered examples of federal surveillance of bank transaction data, major tech companies – such as Amazon and YouTube – censoring online speech at the behest of government officials, and multiple whistleblower complaints.