Australians are shocked to learn what the herb paprika made from dried and crushed capsicum

Foodies Surprised to Learn What Paprika Is Really Made Of: “This Ruined My Day”

  • The popular spice is made from dried and crushed capsicum.
  • Hundreds say that knowledge has forever ruined paprika for them

Hundreds of people have said their ‘day was ruined’ after learning how the paprika spice is actually made.

Australians were surprised to learn that the popular spice is actually made from dried, crushed bell pepper.

There are three different types of paprika: sweet, hot, and smoked, and they are all made with different variations of the pepper.

They say you should never meet your heroes. I say you should never find out how your favorite spice is made,” said one man.

Hundreds of people have said their ‘day was ruined’ by learning how paprika is actually made

Australians were surprised to learn that the popular spice is actually made from dried, crushed bell pepper.

There are three different types of paprika, sweet, hot, and smoked, and they are all made with different variations of the pepper.

Australians were surprised to learn that the popular spice is actually made from dried, crushed bell pepper. There are three different types of paprika, sweet, hot, and smoked, and they are all made with different variations of the pepper.


Did you know how paprika is made?

  • Of course! 47 votes
  • No idea! 20 votes

Instagram page for foodies nutra organic followers surprised with the revelation.

“Learning that paprika is just crushed, dried red pepper was really shocking. I don’t know why I thought there was a paprika tree somewhere,” they posted on the page.

The seasoning, which features heavily in Hungarian and Spanish cuisine, is made by drying the pepper and then grinding it into a fine powder.

This fact shocked and confused many, with hundreds admitting that they hate the vegetable but love paprika.

Many people have started making paprika at home using a dehydrator (pictured) or by slow cooking it in the oven.

Many people have started making paprika at home using a dehydrator (pictured) or by slow cooking it in the oven.

“This just ruined my day,” said one man.

“Stop this witchcraft,” said another.

“Today I was years old,” wrote another.

Foodies couldn’t understand how paprika has different variations if it’s made from the same vegetable.

However, the spice is made from a variety of different types of peppers, including hot peppers, poblano peppers, sweet peppers, Aleppo peppers, and more.

How to make paprika at home:

1. Choose at least two large red bell peppers.

2. Peel the vegetable, remove the seeds and white parts, then cut into thin slices.

3. The slices should then be spread thinly on parchment paper on a baking sheet or in a dehydrator so they don’t touch.

4. The pan of bell pepper slices can be left to cook overnight in the oven on the lowest heat setting, with the oven door slightly ajar. Or they can be dried in a dehydrator according to the machine settings.

5. Once completely dehydrated, remove the pepper from the oven and allow it to cool completely.

6. If there are large pieces, they must be manually removed or crushed.

6. The pepper can be crushed with a mortar or pestle or an electric coffee grinder.

7. The spice should then be stored in a cool, dark place in an airtight container, preferably one that won’t let light in like a metal tin.

8. Seasoning can last anywhere from six months to two years if stored properly.

(Fountain: jamie geller)

Sweet paprika is a mild spice used in foods like potato salad, hot paprika is often used to add spice to meat and stews, and smoked paprika is used to add a mild smoky flavor to dishes. .

Many people have started making paprika at home by using a dehydrator or by simmering it overnight in the oven.

The task has been described as easy, but time consuming, with the spice requiring many peppers for a small quantity.

Two large red bell peppers will only make about two teaspoons of paprika.