Australian woman reveals how she looks younger at 30 than she did at 14: ‘I got older backwards’

I grew up in a conservative family and looked like a middle-aged mother by the time I was 14. Now I look younger than ever – that’s how I reinvented myself when I was 30

  • Roxy shared photos online
  • Said she looks younger than 14 at 30

An Australian woman has revealed how she “aged backwards” after embracing a new skincare routine and undergoing a style overhaul.

Roxy said she looked like a middle-aged “Eastern European mother of three” at 14, but now, 30 years old, she looks younger than she did as a teenager with glowing skin and trendy clothes.

Roxy shared side-by-side snaps 16 years apart, showing herself in dated daggy clothes and untamed curls in the 2007 photo.

Her face is swollen with acne, as she stands in a china shop that her mother used to run.

As she is in the new picture, she has fresh, glowing skin while wearing sportswear.

An Australian woman has revealed how she ‘aged backwards’ after ditching a poor diet and walking 10km a day. In the picture she is 14 years old

“When I was 14 I looked like a middle-aged Eastern European mother of three, and now that I’m 30 I look younger than I did when I was 14. How did I age in reverse?’ she wrote to share the photos on Twitter.

Thousands of people answered and asked her secrets, with many sharing their horror at the transformation.

“I had acne and a bad diet and bad hair, which I cut off because I didn’t know how to deal with curly hair,” she said.

‘Now I walk 10 km a day, usually outside with sunscreen on my face, eat very well and drink two to three liters of water a day.

Roxy said she looked like a middle-aged

Roxy said she looked like a middle-aged “Eastern European mother of three” at 14, but now, at 30 years old, she looks fit and healthy — and younger than she did as a teenager. She is now in the picture

“I have good hair and skin care now,” she added.

“Sometimes I do Pilates and light weightlifting and stretch regularly.

“I don’t run because my back is a little iffy. I’m just a regular walker, I just like to wander around a lot,” she continued.

She added that she uses La Rouche sunscreen to protect herself from sun damage.

“This isn’t just a glow, it’s like a completely different person,” one person wrote.

1684159461 186 Australian woman reveals how she looks younger at 30 than

Roxy shared side-by-side snaps 16 years apart, showing herself in dated clothes and untamed curls in the 2007 photo

Roxy shared side-by-side snaps 16 years apart, showing herself in dated clothes and untamed curls in the 2007 photo

‘There is no way. I’m stunned,” added another.

“Insane what skin care can do,” said a third.

“Looks like you could have made a great mushroom stroganoff at 14,” commented a fourth.

Others refused to believe it was her, saying the photo of her mother belonged to Grandma, but Roxy insisted it was real.

“Benjamin Button,” said one.

“This is witchcraft,” another added.

‘I feel that the haircut, the clarity of the skin and a modern camera make all the difference!’ said another.