Australia Post: Filthy parcel trend is called out

A dirty habit at an Australia Post parcel locker has Australians furious.

The filthy behaviour was spotted by a local who noticed a growing pile of empty coffee cups next to the lockers at Crown Square in Waterloo, Sydney’s south.

They posted a photo on social media of the discarded cups neatly stacked on a broken wooden panel, with more trash in the hole.

“Can the council or management of the Crown Square Retail Precinct provide a bin or at least send a cleaner,” the local newspaper wrote.

‘Every day the “coffee cup mountain” gets bigger.’

The news sparked anger among local residents, with some saying the council should send park rangers to the lockers and fine anyone who leaves rubbish there.

‘The worst part is that there is a waste bin about 20 metres away, on the other side of the road. You can’t use your legs properly then,’ said someone.

Another noted that Australians should adopt a culture similar to that of Japan, where people take their rubbish home with them if there is no bin nearby.

Daily Mail Australia has contacted the City of Sydney and Australia Post for comment.

Australians have been caught leaving a ‘coffee cup mountain’ next to an Australia Post parcel locker in Waterloo, southern Sydney (pictured)

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