Kiwi ‘blown away’ by how different dating in Australia is compared to New Zealand: ‘Men are immature and don’t put in effort’

A Kiwi woman revealed her disgust at Australia’s dating scene – comparing Australian men to ‘immature teenage girls’ who ‘made no effort’ with their dates.

Annaliese, from New Zealand, was used to a certain standard of dating when she moved to the Sunshine Coast.

‘I now live in Australia and [the dating culture] blew me away,” she said. ‘My experience in New Zealand is that the boys do their best and chase you.

“They make you feel great and do small acts of service that make you feel fulfilled and wonderful. In Australia everyone looks good, but these guys only have their looks to offer and not much else.”

Sydney’s Elle recently reiterated that the dating scene is ‘malfunctioning’ because there is an abundance of great women looking to commit, but the men are not looking for a long-term relationship.

Annaliese, from New Zealand, was used to a certain standard of dating when she moved to the Sunshine Coast

The singleton said she has noticed Sydney men are more superficial, don’t make an effort in dating and jump from one woman to another when things aren’t ‘easy’.

Annaliese added, “Honestly, the boys are acting like teenage girls. They are so immature. They look like a man, but inside they are fifteen years old.’

She revealed that she has been on several ‘good’ dates where the man has taken her out for dinner, but no longer makes any effort.

“That’s all they expect: they do one thing and then it’s all your responsibility. It’s just so crazy when you’re a woman.

‘[A man’s] biology is chasing a woman and pursuing a woman – but guys here always ask when you go to them or visit them.

‘I’ve never met him, why should I go to him first? I’ve never done that in my life and I don’t know what kind of girls they attract who do that.”

Many Australian women also shared several dating app picks that turn them away from men.

“If they put ‘first rounds on you’ on their profile, no, there won’t be any first rounds,” one person said.

“They said, ‘If you don’t look like your photos, you pay until you do,’” another commented.

Some shared their experiences with foreign men.

‘I went out on a date in Australia with a New Zealander, he paid for everything (I offered) and made me feel special, we knew it wasn’t going anywhere, he went back home but he was a good guy! ‘ said a woman.

“I dated a New Zealander and all I can say is I was treated like a queen,” wrote another.

Several men shared their thoughts on this.

“I think it’s the current way of dating in general. Apps ruined the experience,” one person said.

“I’m only interested in girls who can take me shopping and on vacation,” another added. ‘It works both ways.’

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