Aussie nurse’s warning after she saved stranger’s six-month-old baby girl’s life at a park: ‘The outcome could’ve been devastating’

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A heroic nurse has told of the heartbreaking moment she saved the life of a stranger’s six-month-old girl after she choked on food in the middle of a park.

Heidi Jongwho has worked as a pediatric nurse in hospitals in Australia and the United Kingdom for 23 years, was enjoying a sunny afternoon with her family in a Sydney park when a disturbing incident occurred.

The family could hear a mother’s desperate cries for help echoing through the park after she was baby daughter stopped breathing.

The mother was having a picnic when her daughter suddenly became unresponsive after to suffocate on a small piece of sausage.

Within seconds, the baby’s face turned gray, causing her mother to panic and scream hysterically. She didn’t know what to do.

The free time, quick thinking nurse jumped into action and offered help.

Heidi, a mother herself, remained calm and began making a series of sharp remarks blows on the backbetween the baby’s shoulder blades with the palm of her hand, hoping to clear the blockage from her throat.

Heroic nurse Heidi Young (pictured) has told of the heartbreaking moment she saved the life of a six-month-old girl after she choked on food in the middle of a park.

After almost five blows on the backthe situation looked bleak as the baby was unresponsive, leaving Heidi worried that she might have to resort to breast thrusts or even baby resuscitation.

“Everything slowed down at that point,” Heidi recalls.

“I was super focused and mentally going through the training, ready to do whatever it took to save that little girl.”

Suddenly there was a moment of relief when the baby started vomiting as she gasped for breath, and shortly afterward she was breathing normally again.

Heidi was overwhelmed with emotions ranging from fear and relief to overwhelming gratitude after bringing the baby to life.

This terrifying, yet life-saving ordeal gave the nurse an idea.

With decades of experience, the mother was determined to start her own business company to offer first aid courses for babies to help parents be prepared for emergencies wherever they are.

To suffocate is one of the leading causes of injury in young children, so Heidi warns that every parent should be aware of this first aid for babies.

‘I knew what to do because I had the course‘, said Heidi.

“I acted on instinct, without hesitation… I didn’t stop to think, I just acted. That’s the kind of confidence I want every parent to have when they’re faced with an emergency.”

The terrifying but life-saving ordeal prompted the nurse to start her own business, where she first aid courses for babies to help parents be prepared in case of emergency, wherever they are

The nurse launched The Nest, Resuscitation for children and allergiesa service that teaches parents how to respond effectively to to suffocate, allergic reactions and others injuries in young children.

The courses cover all common baby related emergenciesand how to introduce it common food allergies and recognize a reaction.

With hands-on courses Under the guidance of pediatricians, parents learn to act decisively and without fear in emergency situations, something they take for granted.

If it hadn’t been for my course“The outcome could have been disastrous,” Heidi said.

“Every parent deserves to feel equipped and empowered to protect their children.”

Parents who have completed their education The Nest CPR Course have shared their rave reviews online.

The nurse launched The Nest, Resuscitation for children and allergiesa service that teaches parents how to respond effectively to choking, allergic reactions, and other injuries in young children

‘Absolutely incredible course! Everything I thought I knew was wrong! Having children means unexpected things happen and this helped me feel reassured knowing I have the knowledge to help if needed! Highly recommended,’ said one mother.

‘Heidi really ran a great session in our house for our parents group. It was super easy to organize and Heidi was super flexible. Doing the First aid for babies and children definitely gave us peace of mind now that our baby is starting to eat solids and is moving around a lot more. I highly recommend it,’ shared another.

‘As expectant parents, it was very important for my husband and I to take this course. It was very informative and even at 9 months pregnant I was still able to concentrate! Thanks again…you did a great job,’ added one.

The company now offers in-home courses across Sydney and Melbourne, as well as an online option for parents across the country.

In a world where every second counts, these skills can make the difference between life and death, Heidi says.

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