Aussie neighbour writes brutal note about sex noises coming from next door after woman invites ‘a boy over’

Australian neighbor writes cheeky note about neighbor sex noises after woman ‘invites a boy over’

  • The woman’s noisy arrangement upsets the neighbor
  • The police contacted them via a threatening note

An Australian woman who was overheard having loud sex lashed out after her neighbor sent a “rude” note threatening to record her.

The woman explained that she “invited a boy” and “things got heated” before the pair were interrupted by a slamming window next door.

“Halfway through the act, we heard the neighbor slam the window and realized the window was open,” she wrote on Facebook.

“We quickly turned up to close the window and resumed the act.”

The next day, the woman returned from work to find an irate letter, scrawled in all caps, left at her house.

A woman’s embarrassment at learning she was having sex was compounded when her neighbor left a note calling the noise “disgusting”

The couple had to stop midway through the hookup to close their window after a neighbor 'theatrically' slammed a window (stock image)

The couple had to stop midway through the hookup to close their window after a neighbor ‘theatrically’ slammed a window (stock image)

“Your performance last night is disgusting,” the note read.

‘Close a window, at least you don’t have to let the world know. You violated my privacy. You will be admitted next time.’

The woman was outraged and responded with a neatly written and scathing note of her own.

“A simple polite note or a knock on my door would have sufficed,” she wrote.

“What I do in the privacy of my own home is none of your business, nor should you call it disgusting.

“I didn’t invade your privacy, you invaded mine,” she wrote.

The woman explained that she was unaware that the window was open at the time.

“The window was an honest mistake and we didn’t realize it was open until you caused a commotion and slammed yours theatrically, then we closed the window,” she wrote.

“Taking someone into the privacy of his or her home is illegal and punishable.

“Recording a person conducting private activities and distributing them without their consent is also illegal and could result in jail time.

The woman later explained in a Facebook update that the argument between the couple had escalated, with the neighbor yelling “really loudly” from her window.

“Maybe I can get some sleep tonight,” the neighbor said.

The woman in love responded with a neatly written but scathing note of her own

The woman in love responded with a neatly written but scathing note of her own

The woman said she reported the incident to police and claimed she had security footage of the neighbor leaving the note.

“(The officer) actually laughed when I read the note,” she wrote.

“She told me to keep the note and video because this is harassment and a threat and if this woman continues to harass/harass me I can issue a warrant against her.”

The woman pointed out that she rarely has company at her home.

“I haven’t had anyone for a long time and this doesn’t happen every night,” she wrote.

“Am I right in taking everything to the police? I am so nervous.’

Social media users rallied to defend the woman.

“This is so dramatic for the neighbor,” one wrote.

“I can imagine you’re annoyed when you hear your neighbors red-handed, but you usually laugh about it.”

They wrote that if it happened often, the right thing to do was to leave a note saying that the woman and her partner could be heard.

‘Threatening to record it? Rude behavior,” they wrote.