Aussie male stripper makes shock sex confession about horny brides

Australian male stripper makes shocking sex confession about horny hen party brides: ‘I went straight home and took a shower’

A Melbourne male stripper has revealed live on radio that he used to sleep with brides-to-be for money.

Speaking on KIIS 101.1’s Jase & Lauren, CJ, 30, confessed to sleeping with 12 women in exchange for money at their bachelorette parties, and while he initially felt terrible about it, it became an obsession.

The man appeared in the studio to talk to the hosts about his raunchy confession, but was blurred out in social media videos to hide his identity.

“The confession I have is six years since I was a male stripper and I was paid to have sex with brides-to-be the night before their wedding,” he said.

‘[I did it] 12 times. After the bachelorette parties, I’d probably go back to their house.’

A Melbourne male stripper has revealed on live radio that he slept with brides-to-be for money (Photo: Presenter Lauren Philips)

Presenter Lauren was shocked by the revelation and asked why he did it.

“See, the reason I did it was I needed validation at the time,” he replied.

“I was going through a bit of a rough patch. The adrenaline kicks in. A few times it was the bride’s idea and then the bridesmaid’s idea, then they would come up and ask me.’

Speaking on KIIS 101.1's Jase & Lauren, CJ, 30, confessed to sleeping with 12 women in exchange for money at their bachelorette parties, and while he felt terrible about it at first, it became an obsession (Photo: Host Jase Hawkins)

Speaking on KIIS 101.1’s Jase & Lauren, CJ, 30, confessed to sleeping with 12 women in exchange for money at their bachelorette parties, and while he felt terrible about it at first, it became an obsession (Photo: Host Jase Hawkins)

Lauren was even more shocked when CJ said he believes the reason many of the brides did it was for a “last hurray” and that they would remain faithful to their husbands after the wedding.

He added: ‘I’ve been able to keep in touch with some of them [the brides]. Those I am still in contact with are still in relationships. I haven’t spoken to them lately.’

CJ said he felt terrible after the first time he slept with a bride-to-be for money, but it became a “habit” and “an obsession.”

‘[The first time I did it] I went to the hen party. I was hired as a stripper. And after that we were all drinking and the bride came up to me and actually asked me in private, how much would it cost to stay overnight or go back to theirs.

And I was shocked, but I changed my attitude and I said, ‘This would be so much,’ and they said it was done. And we went back to theirs and did the deed.’

Presenter Lauren was shocked by the revelation and asked why he did it

Presenter Lauren was shocked by the revelation and asked why he did it

‘Certainly [I felt awful afterwards.] I went straight home and took a shower and just sat in the shower and basically kept thinking about what I’ve done.”

“It becomes a habit and it becomes an obsession.”

The stripper then shockingly revealed that he had come across some of these women with their husbands.

He said, “There have been times when I bumped into the groom and the bride in the street and then the groom will ask me and her how we know each other, and the bride will literally say we know each other from work. And I have to go with the lie.’

The stripper shockingly revealed that he has encountered some of these women with their husbands

The stripper shockingly revealed that he has encountered some of these women with their husbands