Aussie homeowner lashes out at annoying Boomer comment that irritates her every time she hears it

A young homeowner who talked about the challenges she faced after buying her first home said she was tired of Boomers telling her to “stop complaining.”

Danielle Anstey, 26, and her partner bought their first home in Melbourne last year but admitted it has been “pretty intense” since they got the keys.

Despite achieving what so many other Aussies across the country desperately want to do, she admits that home ownership also comes with some downsides.

The first six months were extremely difficult.

“We were used to renting and having a little more of our income to play with. Now pretty much the majority of our wages go towards the mortgage, so we’ve really had to make a lot of sacrifices,” Ms Anstey said. Yahoo Finance.

Danielle Anstey (pictured) and her partner have had a tough time since taking their first step onto the property ladder

Mrs Anstey said there would be no joy in life if her partner’s parents did not live nearby.

Since the beginning of 2023, the Reserve Bank of Australia has raised interest rates to 4.35 percent, where rates have been suspended since November.

Ms Anstey said it was extremely difficult to see her friends flying to Europe for a few weeks or months while she had to save every penny for her mortgage.

She said many older people in her life were pressuring her to get on the property ladder, and after seeing how expensive houses were becoming, she knew she had to move before they were too expensive.

She is tired of older Australians telling her how to deal with the financial challenges of home ownership.

“People don’t understand how hard it is right now and Boomers are still saying, ‘You’ve got to stop complaining, stop whining, make some sacrifices,'” she said.

She said times have changed.

Ms Anstey said many older people in her life are pressuring her to get on the property ladder, but she is tired of Boomers telling her to stop complaining (stock image)

Ms Anstey explained that young people are now sacrificing their entire pay packet, while in previous generations Aussies could support a family while saving money for a home deposit.

She revealed that she has had to say ‘no’ a lot in recent months.

She added that it was painful to sacrifice things like buying birthday presents for family and missing friends’ weddings because she couldn’t afford it.

Mrs Anstey and her partner have put every penny into the mortgage since buying the property, but have barely made a dent.

The couple is only paying off interest and that their home loan is essentially the same as they started with despite paying tens of thousands of dollars

Ms Anstey said it is almost impossible to save a lot of money and they constantly worry about a new bill, levy or fee that will set them back to zero.

“I finally got $1,000 in my bank account, which I hadn’t had since I bought the house… I thought, ‘Yeah, that’s great.’ And then our rates came in and the money was gone,” she said.

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