At the groomer I got the wrong dog

An animal lover is horrified after the groomer brought home the wrong pet.

The anonymous dog owner shared the story Reddit where they explained that they had gone to pick up their pet at their local Michigan salon, where they had been regulars for the past five years.

They thought the pet they got was their dog, but it was in fact someone else’s dog.

But as they told the story, they admitted that they only became aware of the confusion once they got the dog to their car.

However, other social media users were stunned, wondering how they could have confused their own dog with someone else’s dog.

A dog owner revealed they got the wrong pet when they went to pick up their pup from their local Michigan groomer (pictured, the wrong dog)

The dog owner was eventually reunited with the right dog and saw the funny side of the confusion (pictured)

The dog owner was eventually reunited with the right dog and saw the funny side of the confusion (pictured)

The owner explained how the accidental switch happened during a recent visit to the groomer.

“When I drop her off (I’ve been going to the same place for 5 years), I don’t give specific cuts, I just let the owner make her look good,” they explained.

“Today I went to pick her up and there was a new girl working. She gave me the dog.’

The poster went on to explain that the dog was the same size as theirs, and had the same color, just a different haircut.

They continued, “I put her in my car, wrapped the blanket around it and noticed she wasn’t my dog,” they continued.

“I’m sure it’s happened before at groomers. We actually thought it was quite funny and wrong on both sides.’ they added.

They later explained that their car was only a few steps from the store and they were talking to someone while holding the dog.

They put the dog in the passenger seat, walked around the car and got behind the wheel before realizing that the dog they had taken was not theirs.

While they found the incident amusing, many other dog lovers wondered how they could have gone on for so long without realizing that the dog they were holding was not theirs.

The anonymous poster took to Reddit to explain that they got the two animals mixed up at the dog groomers

The anonymous poster took to Reddit to explain that they got the two animals mixed up at the dog groomers

“How can you not know your own dog,” someone asked.

Another said, “How on earth did you even go back to your car to take the picture without noticing.”

A third asked, “How do you get all the way to the car?”

‘I can’t even imagine it. My dogs recognize me and freak out when I walk in to pick them up. The wrong dog gave you a big side eye,” one wrote.

“I’m much more disappointed in you for not recognizing your own dog,” added one.

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Most people were shocked that the dog owner hadn't realized sooner that they had gotten the wrong four-legged friend

Most people were shocked that the dog owner hadn’t realized sooner that they had gotten the wrong four-legged friend

“I could never do without Lucy,” said another dog owner. “Throw her into a herd of 500 female black and white Lhasa Apsos and I’ll separate her.

“To be honest, I know every inch of that dog. I nursed her for most of her first life and didn’t go to a real store until she was older,” they added.

“And you didn’t realize that until you were in the car?” I know my dog ​​very well. He is my best friend!

“I could look at my dog’s a** and know if it was him or not.” You could probably blindfold me and I’d recognize his scent,’ one sneered.

Meanwhile, a dog groomer remembered a time when they were in a similar situation.

“I’m a dog groomer and I’ve only done this once. Both Miniature Schnauzers, both exactly the same haircut, except one was a boy and the other a girl.

“I didn’t guess because the one I sent home with these people who ended up being wrong was way more excited to see them than their actual dog.”