At least he’ll remember where he parked it! Amazing moment driver plunges 40ft after crashing through car park barrier in Russia but escapes unharmed

  • The Russian driver fell 40 feet after crashing through the barrier
  • His VW spun when he fell, and the front of the car took full brunt
  • Fortunately, the driver survived without any injuries

A Russian driver made a miraculous escape after his Volkswagen Touareg plunged 40 feet from a parking garage.

He was driving the SUV when it crashed through a thin barrier and fell onto the road below.

A video captured the moment of the dramatic fall.

On the way down, the VW went into a corkscrew spin, with the front end taking the full force of the impact on the ground.

He then raised himself up on all four wheels.

The lucky driver – named Evgeny Shamko, 40 – suffered nothing more than shock, reports said.

He was driving the SUV when it crashed through a thin barrier and fell onto the road below

On the way down, the VW went into a corkscrew spin, with the front end taking the full force of the impact on the ground

The lucky driver – named Evgeny Shamko, 40 – was now suffering more than just shock, reports said

Blood alcohol checks were carried out after a bottle was found in the crashed Volkswagen Touareg

A witness said: 'The ambulance came but didn't pick him up.

“He wasn't injured.”

He was seen making a statement to officers in a police car.

Blood alcohol checks were carried out after a bottle was found in the crashed Volkswagen Touareg, reports said.

It comes after a British court was told that a senior US military officer, believed to be the head of space policy for the US Joint Chiefs of Staff at the Pentagon, caused a car crash that left two teenagers seriously injured in the rubble.

Colonel Benjamin Oakes is on trial at York Magistrates' Court today.

The officer, from Harrogate, has twice denied causing injury by careless driving in North Yorkshire.

Prosecutors told a district judge how Oakes drove a white Vauxhall Astra outside Ashville College independent school in Harrogate on February 2 this year.

Louise Berry, prosecuting, said Oakes was about to leave an intersection when he clipped a Ford pick-up truck, causing the vehicle to swerve and spin.

The truck collided with a wall and two boys were buried under the rubble, she told the court.

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