Astrologer reveals the colors to wear to help unleash your personal power, boost vibrational energy, and manifest your best life in 2024

Did you know that what you wear can help you achieve your dreams?

'Color can act as an energetic amplifier of manifestations, especially when you visualize your vision, because color evokes a subconscious influence on our emotional state,' explains astrologer Fiona Hillery.

In other words: the clothes colors you put on in the morning are powerful and important. Want to create your dream life in 2024? Read on for helpful tips Fiona shares with

'Color can act as an energetic amplifier of manifestations, especially when you visualize your vision, as color evokes a subconscious influence on our emotional state,' astrologer Fiona Hillery tells

'Color can act as an energetic amplifier of manifestations, especially when you visualize your vision, as color evokes a subconscious influence on our emotional state,' astrologer Fiona Hillery tells

“Scientifically, visible light is measured on a spectrum of electromagnetic wavelengths,” says the founder of Esoteric empowerment and astrologer with more than ten years of experience.

'The spectrum starts with red at a density of 480 THz and builds to violet at 700 THz.

'Ancient spiritual systems believe that the seven pure spectral colors correlate with the chakra system of our etheric energy body.

'So working in meditation with a specific color hertz can enhance the activity around the corresponding chakra.'

Spiritual gurus often suggest taking the following steps when manifesting.

– Make it clear what you want


-Ask the universe for it

– Practice gratitude for everything you have

“Most advice about pop culture events misses the crucial step of exploring your future to really make magic happen,” says Fiona.

Color is a useful tool to give you insight into your future.

“Ancient spiritual systems believe that the seven pure spectral colors correlate with the chakra system of our etheric energy body,” explains the founder of Esoteric Empowerment.

“Ancient spiritual systems believe that the seven pure spectral colors correlate with the chakra system of our etheric energy body,” explains the founder of Esoteric Empowerment.

The best colors to manifest

Color theory is a science in itself.

For example, warm colors (red, orange, and yellow, and variations thereof) tend to be energetic, passionate, and positive, while cool colors (green, blue, and purple) tend to be calming and relaxing.

But color is subjective and can evoke different feelings in everyone – due to culture and life experiences.

The same goes for manifesting.

“Manifestation is incredibly unique to where each soul is in its journey, so there is no 'one size fits all' suit,” explains the tarot reader and feng shui alchemist.

'When choosing a color you must take into account not only the earthly desire itself, but also your personal energetic field and magnetism.

“This means you need to feel into your chakra system to understand where you need to strengthen, release, and flow your energy body to properly evoke your manifestation.”

Fiona gives the example of someone working on a career advancement who feels passed over for a promotion and may need to strengthen their relationship with personal authority and self-confidence to step into the desired reality.

'In this case, I would recommend working with yellow as the primary focus, as this color supports the power center of the solar plexus.

“Someone else might feel disillusioned by superficial success and seek more satisfaction in their work, so green would better serve their heart to align with more cohesive work.”

'Someone who works in a creative field and suffers from blockages will want to focus on orange for the sacred – and so on!'

Once you've identified the chakra you want to focus on, there are several ways to embody color in your daily life.

Fiona recommends choosing clothes or accessories in vibrant shades of your color.

'If you're heartbroken, you don't have to buy a wardrobe that's only green! You can wear healing crystals and stones with properties that strengthen each center.

“In other spell practices, you wear a ribbon around your waist with the color, your full name and date of birth.”

Vana Slip-on Ballet Flat by Franco Sarto, $85;

Vana Slip-on Ballet Flat by Franco Sarto, $85;

Green Fluorite Crystal Necklace from Nialaya, now $97.30;

Green Fluorite Crystal Necklace from Nialaya, now $97.30;

Color in the house

If you're new to using color as a way to manifest, Fiona recommends a spiritual altar as a tool during meditation.

'This can start very simply by placing stones, candles and plants on a bedside table or shelf.

“Any photos of your ancestors or memorabilia that remind you of your higher purpose. Weave the color you work with onto this altar.”

She is also a fan of using chromotherapy light, a light that changes color to create positive changes in the body, and of weaving the principles of feng shui into the home.

'A few tips include using yellow in the center of your home for health and confidence (solar plexus).

'Green in the east for strengthened family relationships (heart chakra) and blue for an office or meditation room to cultivate calm knowledge and communication (throat chakra).

Fiona recommends using blue for an office or meditation room to cultivate calm knowledge and communication (throat chakra)

Fiona recommends using blue for an office or meditation room to cultivate calm knowledge and communication (throat chakra)

Color in 2024

While we're only a few days away from finding out what Pantone's color of the year is, Fiona reveals that 2024 is a numerological 8 year for the collective.

'That means a global energetic shift towards better collaboration, mastering our relationship with resources and developing a more conscious consumption culture to promote global abundance – A great year!

“Violet feels timely for this pivotal year as it brings a higher purpose to fruition.

“Violet reminds us that we are part of a larger universal ecosystem, while also strengthening the alignment of our daily work with the greater good.”