Astrologer issues warning ahead of this weekend’s annular eclipse – says ‘ring-of-fire’ event will spark a daunting new beginning

Aries (March 21 to April 19)

The solar eclipse in your partnership zone is along with a host of planets all in Libra, bringing lots of activity and communication around your meaningful and committed relationships.

Old patterns and experiences can influence you to behave in the usual way, but sometimes it is best to move on and take a new approach to an old problem. Women may be especially important to you now and existing arrangements regarding partnerships take a new turn.

Casual relationships can now turn into more committed unions. Remember that in Libra’s eclipse, Aries’ flame burns bright, you are an energetic cosmic dance and heavenly delight.

Taurus (April 20 to May 20)

New beginnings are likely in work, health or general well-being. Everyday habits and routines can also have new procedures or arrangements. Self-improvement in both mind and body is probably on your agenda now and you can make decisions taking into account all points of view.

Just be a little careful here that you don’t compromise too much, but things should work out better since you are ruled by Venus, the planet of love and justice.

Real practical or concrete manifestations are possible, especially in relationships. Venus is also the ruler of Libra and in Libra’s eclipse Taurus finds a new dawn. Cosmic balance aligns and your destiny is drawn!

Gemini (May 21 to June 20)

This solar eclipse brings an awareness of justice, love and beauty to you! Your creativity is likely to ignite along with potential romance!

You can somehow live closer to the world of the child, either through your inner child or with real children. Drama, sports and entertainment may also be on your mind, so go out and hang out together… have a great time.

Relaxation and pleasure are now your name of the game. However, don’t forget to put your brain in gear too, because under Libra’s eclipse, Gemini’s mind ignites and does a heavenly waltz with intellectual insight! So, pay attention to your thoughts because you will find some real diamonds to transform your life.

Cancer (June 21 to July 22)

Great activity and events around your home and family may soon be upon you. You can transform your home into a beautiful peaceful retreat for family and close friends to enjoy.

Renovations, gardening and overall beautification are the name of the game for you. Your private and safe space becomes more important and relationships with women, especially mother figures, may occur. Your emotions are closer to the surface now, so you may wear your heart on your sleeve more than usual.

Your subconscious is working overtime amid Libra’s Eclipse, Cancer’s emotions are flowing, doing a cosmic tango, to moon shadows they go!

Leo (July 23 to August 22)

You probably have a ton of communicative and intellectual energy. Write down those brilliant flashes of insight.

With so many activities going on in your home from local area and distant family, there can be very long conversations with neighbors, cousins ​​or siblings. Activity in your local area can also be a topic of conversation. Thinking about studying or just getting your paperwork organized?

It’s also a great time for marketing and getting communications out into the world through advertising and other promotions. Under a Libra eclipse, Leo’s Spirit shines. Radiance gives light to your heavenly dreams.

Virgo (August 23 to September 22)

Woo Hoo, watch for overspending! In Libra, this eclipse can influence you to buy beautiful but expensive items. However, you can also plant some financial seeds to grow and transform your future financial situation.

New beginnings that bring real and concrete money manifestations are possible soon. Your values ​​and beliefs may also change now so that money is no longer as important as it used to be.

However, it is still a good time to formulate a new budget and get your finances in order. It’s time to manifest your thoughts into practical reality. Virgo’s mind flees under Libra’s Eclipse, searching for cosmic secrets in the moonlit night.

Libra (September 23 to October 22)

The solar eclipse with a bunch of other planets in your sign lights up your life…finally! It’s exciting because there are new beginnings all around. The way you approach the world, the way others perceive you, your identity and appearance… all these and more are now up for renegotiation and physical transformation.

New makeup, new hair and new clothes are also on the cards as you align your authentic self with your physical appearance. You somehow look more graceful and elegant than usual and other people notice! You radiate charm and a refined majesty. Under Libra’s Eclipse, Libra’s love ignites.

Cosmic passion ignites in heavenly delight. You may feel much better than you have in a long time as you begin a new chapter in your Book of Life!

Scorpio (October 23 to November 21)

Now is quite a spiritual time for you. This eclipse brings a ton of energetic rumblings to your subconscious, so pay attention to your dreams and the little daytime ‘flashes’ that may waft across your mind.

You may even find nuggets from the spiritual realms that point to changes in your life direction. At first, some of these changes may feel somewhat uncomfortable, but persistence is likely to bring success.

When you think about it, you realize that these changes may be long overdue. Scorpio passions arise under this Libra eclipse. Cosmic depths are revealed and look at new exciting shifts.

Sagittarius (November 22 to December 21)

New beginnings are likely now with groups, friends and connections. You may meet some beautiful new friends or perhaps a sense of community becomes more important.

So, get out into the world and hang out… have fun… attend events and shine.

Your hopes and dreams also receive more attention, and you can discard old worn-out dreams in favor of new and achievable aspirations. You think more about your desires in relation to others and how you can get what your heart truly desires. If you seek to achieve in a peaceful or beautiful way, you align your ego desires with those of your soul.

In the midst of Libra’s Eclipse, Sagittarius Spirit soars high. In the heavenly dance you reach for heaven!

Capricorn (December 22 to January 19)

Here’s exciting news you’ll want to hear about your career or life path. Your public profile or reputation gets you noticed, and authority figures have you more positively on their radar than ever.

They may be impressed with your abilities, including your ability to work hard and get the job done. You shine like the sun because the moon and the sun are in close connection and the blending of these energies in Libra brings smooth flowing relationships through sweet but often intelligent conversations.

Life is probably going more smoothly than usual, and parents or authority figures are more helpful and inclined to your way of thinking. Capricorn stands strong and steady as cosmic balance helps you climb toward goals as ready as you can.

Aquarius (January 20 to February 18)

Feel like a little vacation? Want to get away to distant shores? Ask yourself ‘how can I now expand my horizons far and wide’.

This is the time to broaden your horizons and expand your vision of what life can be. You may travel, study or trade with people from other countries. Now do something different, exciting or exotic and it will bring some vitality into your life.

If you feel tired or unmotivated, let it go! Walk a new way home, go to a different restaurant or meet new friends. The world is a big place, so take a new stand in this ever-evolving sphere of possibilities.

Grab those opportunities with both hands! In Libra’s eclipse, Aquarius breaks loose. Cosmic winds of change, your being we see!

Pisces (February 19 to March 20)

Deep compelling feelings can arise under this eclipse. However, you can use it as fuel to ground your heart’s desires into physical reality.

Joint resources such as money, real estate or investments may also be on your mind, and you may make some changes that now bring new financial beginnings.

New levels of intimacy can also be reached, and it may feel like a long time since you experienced the depths of passion… go for it.

Feel what it feels like to be fully human and uniquely you. Beauty, love and romance may lie just beneath the surface, so start searching for what is rightfully yours.

In the midst of Libra’s Eclipse, Pisces’ dreams fly. Cosmic waters melt in the moonlight.

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