As OpenAI’s Sora blows us away with AI-generated videos, the information age is over – let the disinformation age begin

AI video generation is nothing new, but with the advent of OpenAI’s Sora text-to-video toolit has never been easier to create your own fake news.

Sora’s photorealistic capabilities have surprised many of us. While we’ve seen AI-generated video clips before, there’s a degree of accuracy and realism to them these incredible Sora video clips That makes me…a little nervous, to say the least. It is undoubtedly very impressive, but it is not a good sign that my first reaction comes to that video of puppies playing was immediate concern.

A still from an AI-generated video of three puppies playing in the snow.

It’s a little disturbing that the possible harbinger of the destruction of truth has arrived in the form of golden retriever puppies. (Image credit: OpenAI)

Our dear editor-in-chief Lance Ulanoff wrote an article earlier this year discussing how AI will make it impossible to distinguish truth from fiction by 2024, but at the time he was mainly talking about image generation software. Soon everyone will be able to get their hands on a simple and easy-to-use tool for producing full-length video clips. Combined with the existing power of voice deepfake artificial intelligence (AI) software, the potential for politically motivated video impersonation is greater than ever.

‘Fake news!’ shouted the AI-generated Trump avatar