As Heinz tell runners to fuel themselves on KETCHUP – top athletes reveal the junk foods that keep them going during a race

Ketchup is the nation’s favorite condiment. And according to leading brand Heinz, it also has an unexpected health use.

A recent ad for the tomato sauce claimed that “runners everywhere are using Heinz ketchup packets during their runs.”

The company has even designed running routes in the shape of its logo in cities including New York, highlighting restaurants where runners can grab a carton of ketchup along the way.

While the spice may seem like an unlikely fuel, it contains two important components runners need: simple carbohydrates and salt.

A recent video released by Heinz claimed that ‘runners everywhere are using Heinz ketchup packets during their runs’

The body breaks down carbohydrates into glucose, which is used to fuel muscles, and we lose salt (which contains essential minerals). when we sweat.

However, dietitians have highlighted shortcomings in this method of refueling: there is too much salt in one pack and you need to have at least fifteen packs with you. they say.

But elite athletes performing at their best have a range of alternative suggestions – which are just as unconventional.

And below, dietitian Cara Anselmo from New York gives her opinion.

Washington Nationals slugger Bryce Harper previously revealed that his pre-game snack is Eggo waffles.

He said, “I’m eating Eggo waffles. It has to be Eggo before the match. I mean, it’s really weird. PB (peanut butter) and honey. I’m really superstitious.’

Mountain bikers, runners and baseball players say an array of junk food gets them through the races: from waffles to cinnamon rolls

Mountain bikers, runners and baseball players say an array of junk food gets them through the races: from waffles to cinnamon rolls

Clare Gallagher, an ultrarunner and ambassador for clothing brand Patagonia, swears by icing as a cost-effective way to maintain energy levels during a facial.

‘I was completely disappointed at the thought of buying more than twenty gels, and I’m a fan of icing anyway. It occurred to me that I would actually like the glaze better than gels,” Ms. Gallagher said Outside.

“I hate to think that my genius frosting idea came from being cheap, but it kind of was,” she added.

Ms. Gallagher is now sponsored by Frost’d, a coconut oil-based frosting company founded by fellow ultrarunner Jessica Hamel.

Cara Anselmo, a New York-based dietitian, said frosting is easy to consume on the go, with no chewing required.

It’s also good for a quick energy boost, and the lack of fiber means you don’t have to go to the bathroom, she said.

Philadelphia Phillies' hitter Bryce Harper previously revealed that his pregame snack is Eggo waffles

Philadelphia Phillies’ hitter Bryce Harper previously revealed that his pregame snack is Eggo waffles

Dylan Bowman, another ultrarunner, opts for salted fudge brownies made by his girlfriend.

Brownies were once a treat for Mr Bowan, but in the run-up to a 50-mile race he realized it was a good idea to eat them beforehand.

During his 20-mile race, he ate seven brownies, and ultimately won the race.

Mrs. Anselmo approved of Dr.’s favorite snack. Bowman well and explained that brownies contain quick, simple carbohydrates. Chocolate also provides a small dose of caffeine, which can help boost energy.

The salted element of the brownies also provides sodium and potassium to replenish depleted electrolyte levels, she said.

Obstacle course racer Amelia Boone snacks on cinnamon roll Pop-Tarts before a race.

She told Outsider, “I ate one before the Spartan Race World Championships in 2013 and won the race…I find they sit really well in my stomach.”

Mrs. Boone also pampers herself during and after exercise. She said, “During races I eat gummy bears, squeeze baby food pouches and peanut M&Ms. After the races I keep pints of ice cream; it’s the only thing I can eat for twelve hours.’

Ms. Anselmo said she also eats Pop-Tarts before running because they are a quick, simple carbohydrate without fiber that causes gas, bloating and diarrhea.

Mountain climber Sean Burch said peanut butter gets him through an expedition.

He said, “I’ll make sure we bring peanut butter because I don’t trust I can get it there. And I long for it. I look forward to eating it every day.’

Ms Anselmo said the spread is a good option for exercise because you don’t have to chew it, and it is packed with protein, which helps muscles recover after an injury.

Phil Gaimon, a retired professional cyclist, said he eats chocolate croissants during a race.

He said: ‘There wasn’t a moment in the race where I wasn’t counting down to unpack those things.

‘I remember a moment when I went crazy for ten minutes trying to pull the leading group back on a climb in the Tour de Provence. So I started eating the pain au chocolat, but I was out of breath, and then the descent was insane, but I wasn’t going to spit it out and waste it, so I did a 20 minute technical descent by just holding it to keep in my mouth.’

Ms Anselmo said a chocolate croissant is good fuel because it contains both carbohydrates and fat.

Aaron Gwin, a Red Bull mountain bike racer, snacks on pancakes between rides.

He said: ‘I make a batch of pancakes at home in the morning and then put in two to six depending on how much driving I do that day. I make them quite healthy by adding protein powder to the batter so that I get all the nutrients I need.

“They’ve gotten a little out of hand as I keep adding more ingredients, like sweet potatoes, bananas, peanut butter powder, and oats, but I love them.”

Ms Anselmo said pancakes are ‘high in carbohydrates’, while added protein is good for muscle recovery after a workout.