Artificial Intelligence has a one in four chance of destroying us, warns tech boss

  • The world’s first AI security summit will be hosted by Rishi Sunak next month

Artificial intelligence has a one in four chance of wiping out humanity, a leading technology boss has warned.

Dario Amodei of AI researchers Anthropic said the technology would destroy the world by going rogue or being abused by humans.

He added: “(The) chance of something going catastrophically wrong on the scale of human civilization could be 10 to 25 percent.”

But he told the Logan Bartlett Show tech podcast: ‘If we can avoid the downsides, then this stuff about curing cancer, extending human lifespan, solving problems like mental illness… I don’t think that this is beyond the scope of what this can do.”

Dario Amodei of AI researchers Anthropic said the technology would destroy the world by going rogue or being abused by humans.

The world’s first AI security summit will be hosted by Rishi Sunak next month

In response, campaigners Control AI told The Sun that the same companies that thought there was a chance “that their products will kill you all” were the same companies that were “calling the shots when it comes to regulation”.

The world’s first AI security summit will be hosted by Rishi Sunak next month.

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