Arnold Schwarzenegger’s nutritionist says he eats FROSTED FLAKES

Arnold Schwarzenegger and LeBron James’ nutritionist says he eats FROSTED FLAKES for breakfast for this surprising reason

A nutritionist who has worked with Arnold Schwarzenegger and LeBron James has revealed that he eats Frosted Flakes for breakfast.

Adam Bornstein, who has worked in fitness for more than a decade, says he still makes time for the treats to make dieting easier.

He said this helps him achieve weight loss or a physique that lasts and keeps him from yo-yoing between meals.

Frosted Flakes have little nutritional value, a bowl is a quarter of a person’s daily sugar intake, but Mr Bornstein said they help with fitness goals.

Adam Bornstein, who has worked in the fitness field for over a decade, says he still makes time for the treats to make dieting easier

He said he still has Frosted Flakes (pictured) several times a week

He said he still has Frosted Flakes (pictured) several times a week

In his new book, You Can’t Screw This Up, he wrote, β€œStart with what makes you happy, then add the other healthy behaviors.

“That’s the cheat code in life.”

He added, “When you get out of this cycle of thinking that you have to live in limitation, you find a lot of things that you used to crave, you don’t crave anymore.”

In the book, reports The initiatehe compares dieting to pulling back a slingshot saying that for every food cut or banned, the ropes get tighter.

Eventually, something has to give way, he said, and the slingshot springs back β€” leading to a pattern of yo-yo dieting and periods of restriction followed by binge eating.

To break this cycle, he said it was best to always include some food that one likes in every diet.

This even includes those labeled as “unhealthy” by some wellness gurus.

Mr. Bornstein was also the fitness editor for Men’s Health and runs the Born Fitness company, which focuses on online fitness and diet coaching.

He initially studied psychology before changing careers and deciding he wanted to write.

It comes after nutritionists revealed the nine foods hindering your fitness goals.

By now, anyone embarking on a weight-loss journey knows the basics: avoid junk food, sugary sodas, and sweets.

But if it feels like you can never shed those last few pounds despite eating “clean,” experts say it’s likely due to a handful of key food groups. spoke to three dietitians who said that while some foods seem like ideal choices for weight loss β€” organic and plant-based options, for example β€” can cause you to over-consume or feel hungry again soon after.