Arizona Uber Eats delivery driver’s viral note to Chipotle customer leads to strangers to pay for his wedding

A Chipotle customer changed her delivery driver’s life after she shared the sweet note he left asking for tips on how to afford his dream wedding.

Erica Hernandez was inspired and posted the heartwarming message from her Uber Eats delivery driver Paul Slobodzian, which she found in her order.

The note read: ‘Thank you for your order! I’m driving ahead [love] on the side to give my fiancĂ©e the wedding she deserves. Any additional tips via the app or Venmo would be greatly appreciated!”

Her video went viral within hours, racking up a whopping 32.9 million views and generating donations for the Arizona couple’s wedding in September.

“It’s incredible to be able to say this now and give this update, but just within the last 24 hours we made enough money to be able to stop driving,” the groom-to-be said on TikTok.

Erica Hernandez posted the heartwarming note her Uber Eats driver Paul Slobodzian left with her Chipotle order

Slobozian (right) said he and his fiancée Aly Perkins (left) can now pay for their wedding and stop making deliveries thanks to Hernandez's viral TikTok

Slobozian (right) said he and his fiancĂ©e Aly Perkins (left) can now pay for their wedding and stop making deliveries thanks to Hernandez’s viral TikTok

“I don’t even know how to express my gratitude for this to anyone who has reached out and sent well wishes or money or anything, in any way that is positive, it has really changed our lives.

“I just wanted to say how grateful I am for everyone, how grateful I am to Erica for advocating for two strangers, and I’m just incredibly grateful.”

Hernandez tipped Slobozian and was so touched by the handwritten note that she shared it on her social media to see if others would like to contribute.

“I felt really inspired to post it and see if my friends would be willing to donate, or what followers I had there to donate,” she said FOX 10 Phoenix.

Hernandez (pictured) was moved by the letter and after tipping Slobozian, she decided to share it on her social media to see if others would contribute.

Hernandez (pictured) was touched by the note and after leaving a tip, Slobozian decided to share it on her social media to see if others would like to contribute.

Donations poured in from all over the world, including a $500 contribution from Chipotle headquarters.

Slobodzian met his fiancée Aly Perkins in 2017 while they were still in college. When they got engaged last year, the couple knew they wanted to celebrate in a big way.

“We decided early last year that we wanted a wedding and a very special evening to celebrate the love we have for each other,” he said.

‘We realized how much it was going to cost to have the evening we really wanted.

“I’m not the only one driving Uber Eats, Aly drives just as much as I do, and we’ve been doing it together for the last fifteen months, sometimes seven days a week, trying to earn enough to cover this one.”

Slobodzian and Perkins, while still in college in 2017, both decided to drive for Uber Eats to afford the wedding of their dreams

Slobodzian and Perkins, while still in college in 2017, both decided to drive for Uber Eats to afford the wedding of their dreams

Thanks to Hernandez’s viral post, the couple can now pay for their dream wedding and take time off from childbirth.

‘She is my rock, I love her with everything in my heart. She completes me and I am so grateful to have her in my life,” Slobozian said.

“Home for me is wherever Aly is and I can’t wait for an evening to celebrate the love we have.”

The couple gave Hernandez $1,000 as a token of their gratitude and invited her to the wedding, which she happily accepted.