Arizona lawmaker says she plans to have an abortion after learning her pregnancy isn’t viable

PHOENIX — An Arizona lawmaker announced in the Senate on Monday that she plans to have an abortion after learning her pregnancy is not viable.

State Sen. Eva Burch, a nurse known for her reproductive rights activism, was surrounded by fellow Democratic senators as she made the announcement, The Arizona Republic reported.

Burch said she found out a few weeks ago that she was pregnant “against all odds.” The mother of two living children from West Mesa, who is running for re-election, said she has had “a rough journey” in terms of fertility. She suffered her first miscarriage 13 years ago, was pregnant many times and ended a nonviable pregnancy while campaigning for her Senate seat two years ago, she said.

Now, Burch said her current pregnancy is not progressing and is not viable, and she has made an appointment to terminate the pregnancy.

“I don’t think people should have to justify their abortions,” Burch said. “But I choose to talk about why I made this decision because I want us to be able to have meaningful conversations about the reality of how abortion works. what we do in this body affects people in the real world.

Burch said state laws “interfered” with her decision. Arizona law required an “invasive” transvaginal ultrasound that her doctor did not order and then she was read “factually false” information required by law about alternatives, she said.

“I am a perfect example of why this relationship should be between patients and providers,” and not between state legislators, Burch said. “My experiences in this area, both as a health care provider and as a patient, have led me to believe that this Legislature has failed the people of Arizona.”

Burch called on the Legislature to pass laws that ensure every Arizonan has the opportunity to make decisions that are good for them. She also said she hopes voters can have their say on abortion on the November ballot.

A signature campaign is underway to add a constitutional right to abortion in Arizona. Under the measure, the state would not be able to ban abortion until the fetus is viable, which is about 28 weeks. Subsequent abortions are permitted to protect the woman’s physical or mental health. Proponents must collect nearly 384,000 valid signatures by July 4. Current law prohibits abortion after 15 weeks of pregnancy.

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