Argentina’s mysterious spinning island revealed: Island is shaped like a perfect circle, but no one knows why it spins

This is the island that has left experts baffled for years.

This mysterious green patch of vegetation is known as ‘The Eye’ and floats on a clear water lake in Argentina.

Some even think it’s camouflage for a huge alien base lurking quietly beneath the surface – even though no evidence of that has been found.

Those lucky enough to have traveled there have said that it is almost a perfect circle, as the motion rubs off the landmass as it moves around, slowly creating the smooth 360 degree contours.

To learn more about the strange island, famed Argentine documentary director Sergio Neuspiller flew over the special place and, once landed, decided to go on a mission to explore it.

Once there, he climbed on and waded through the overgrown vegetation.

He told the Uruguayan newspaper El Observator: ‘We have found the perfect circle, seen from the air.

This mysterious green patch of vegetation is known as ‘The Eye’ and floats on a clear water lake in Argentina

Those fortunate enough to have traveled there have said that it is almost a perfect circle, as the motion of the landmass rubs away as it moves around.

Those fortunate enough to have traveled there have said that it is almost a perfect circle, as the motion of the landmass rubs away as it moves around.

‘The water looked black, but in reality it was completely transparent water, something that is almost impossible to find in the Delta.’

He revealed how the bottom of the shot was made up of earthy soil, making it appear dark from a distance.

He also said the water is a lot colder, which is surprising considering most lakes in the area are typically warm.

The main reason the perfect circle floats is the result of water currents slowly shaping and moving the island

In 2016, a team of researchers and filmmakers opened a Kickstarter campaign to help fund their research into uncovering the mystery of this remote island.

Richard Petroni, a hydraulic and civil engineer from New York who worked with Mr Neuspillerm, said: ‘We have discovered a mysterious island near the Parana River that, intriguingly, moves and rotates on its own axis.

‘In addition, it has a neat circular structure, bordered by another perfectly circular water stripe.’

“It’s a real thing and is responsible for several supernatural stories related to UFOs and other paranormal aspects.”

The island was first spotted by the film crew six months ago when they were looking for a place to shoot a movie about other paranormal events, such as sightings of ghosts and aliens, in the area.