Are passwordless systems the future of authentication?

Passwords serve as the first line of defense against data breaches, yet individuals often exhibit bad habits when it comes to regularly selecting or updating their passwords. Despite widespread requirements for secure passwords in applications and websites, research shows that 75% of people worldwide ignore established best practices, with 64% choosing weak passwords or making only minor changes when asked to choose a new password instead of using a secure password generator. .

Underestimating the security implications of choosing substandard passwords is a significant mistake that provides attackers with ample opportunities to infiltrate systems. Once attackers obtain valid password credentials, they can easily escalate their privileges to the level of administrator or superuser, bypassing an organization’s identity management security measures.

Data breaches can seriously damage a company’s reputation and result in significant financial losses. This means a concerted effort is needed to improve password practices and implement a robust identity security framework. That’s why forward-thinking organizations are adopting multi-factor authentication (MFA) to reduce the risk of credential theft and unauthorized access. MFA allows users to access applications and corporate networks by providing an additional form of authentication, such as a code received via email or temporarily displayed on their phone.

Nevertheless, as companies embrace more secure authentication methods, attackers are devising innovative strategies to bypass MFA protections. These tactics include cookie theft, social engineering, and MFA fatigue-based attacks. So while MFA offers more security than traditional passwords, it’s essential to recognize that attackers are constantly looking for ways to undermine them.

Companies must intensify their efforts to strengthen identity security. Emerging threats present an opportunity to proactively address the escalating risk of data breaches, and while unconventional, a passwordless approach can provide a viable solution.

David Higgins

EMEA Technical Director, CyberArk.

Out with the old and in with the new

Companies are slowly starting to abandon traditional passwords and adopt a passwordless approach. Zero-password authentication allows individuals to confirm their identity in a variety of ways – whether through a QR code displayed upon login or through biometric authentication such as facial recognition – in addition to a remembered password. This type of approach helps reduce the risk of threat actors infiltrating networks because private keys are unique and can only be accessed from the user’s local device. Overall, identity security is improved.

Moreover, it is easier and more convenient for both users and IT teams to remove passwords. Users no longer have to remember or change their passwords frequently, and IT no longer has to spend time assisting employees with unlocking accounts and resetting passwords. This approach also has a positive impact on productivity through a more seamless login experience.

Making the switch to a passwordless system

It is important to keep in mind that while passwordless technology brings significant benefits, this transition cannot be achieved overnight and some organizations may never be able to adopt a completely passwordless approach. to handle. Removing passwords is a big task, especially for companies that manage thousands of users, countless applications, hybrid and multi-cloud environments, and complex login flows. There are simply too many legacy systems that are deeply entrenched in the IT infrastructure and require passwords.

So it’s about finding the best approach for each business and what works from both an identity security and cost perspective. The journey to passwordless authentication is unique to each company’s requirements and each user’s needs. There is no one-size-fits-all approach. And because technology is constantly evolving and user adoption is increasing, successfully achieving a completely passwordless environment is a phased approach.

Consider all available solutions

While eliminating passwords entirely may pose challenges for some businesses, they can still reduce their dependency on them by implementing appropriate identity and access management (IAM) solutions that enable passwordless functionality. And when assessing IAM solutions, organizations should prioritize specific capabilities, such as:

1. Zero sign-on (ZSO) uses robust cryptographic standards such as certificates and combines user identities with contextual information such as device fingerprints and security status. It is the first pillar of a real solution without references. ZSO allows users to smoothly log into their assigned applications and services once their devices have been audited and confirmed to meet security requirements. Users do not require any form of additional authentication. ZSO can be combined with other passwordless authentication factors that best fit business requirements, allowing companies to improve usability and increase identity security.

2. FIDO2 Web Authentication (WebAuthn) is widely supported by virtually every identity vendor and plays a critical role in enabling passwordless authentication for typical end users. Together with FIDO2, FIDO Access Keys provide a new approach to achieving passwordless access across multiple devices, leveraging the security capabilities of users’ devices to further enhance the individual experience. These passkeys are also highly resistant to phishing attempts, in other words, they can effectively counter attack vectors related to MFA that require human interaction.

3. With remote working being the prevailing trend, ensuring secure access for employees accessing a corporate network via a VPN is essential. In particular, the use of adaptive MFA is recommended as it adds an additional layer of identity security to remote access, protecting the corporate network and on-site apps and resources, while ensuring a seamless login experience that is continuously evaluated and updated as necessary is customized with passwordless factors. based on contextual and risk analyses. Adaptive MFA as an approach is important and effective because it gives high-risk users or authorization requests additional steps before granting access and vice versa.

4. To achieve a true passwordless experience, it is critical to implement a solution that allows users to self-enroll, replace, and remove passwordless authenticators under proper security protocols, along with a large variety of alternative passwordless authentication methods to choose from. For example, if someone loses their cell phone, he or she should be able to replace the multi-factor passwordless authentication factor with the right security measures.

Building defenses that are fit for the future

Enterprises are increasingly turning to multi-factor authentication (MFA) to reduce the risk of threat actors stealing their passwords. But simply adding MFA as an extra layer on top of passwords isn’t exactly a panacea. Instead, MFA should be included as part of a passwordless experience, via push notifications, user context, etc. This creates a much more effective solution to prevent unauthorized access to corporate networks. This approach not only helps improve identity security and organizational resilience against today’s cyber threats, but also improves the user experience.

Yet the transition to a passwordless system cannot happen immediately for any company. Such a shift requires strategic planning, disciplined execution and greater employee awareness. Strong leadership support is needed to ensure that all staff are adequately trained on the most effective practices for implementing passwordless authentication securely and efficiently. Furthermore, establishing partnerships with experienced and reputable vendors is crucial for the successful integration of passwordless systems within the organization. To effectively anticipate and mitigate threats, companies must ensure that their IAM vendors have the required expertise to meet their security requirements.

We have listed the best business password managers.

This article was produced as part of Ny BreakingPro’s Expert Insights channel, where we profile the best and brightest minds in today’s technology industry. The views expressed here are those of the author and are not necessarily those of Ny BreakingPro or Future plc. If you are interested in contributing, you can read more here:

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