Are millennials ‘overcomplicating parenting’? Woman quizzes her mother on parenting methods of children in ’80s – as people say it used to be better

A millennial woman questioned her mother about the differences in parenting between the 1980s and today.

Taylor Wolfe from the US took over TikTok to question her mother about the parenting methods she used more than forty years ago.

Taylor’s mother highlighted some stark contrasts, revealing that parenting relied on instinct rather than technology.

But the younger mom claims her anxiety would have made her hate parenting in the 1980s.

TikTok users have labeled the video as “insightful,” but now many believe millennials are guilty of “overcomplicated parenting.”

Taylor Wolfe (pictured left), from the US, used TikTok to poll her mother (pictured right) about the differences in parenting between the 1980s and now

In the video, which has been viewed more than 900,000 times, Taylor began the questions by asking, “What have you done without Google?”

Taylor relied on the baby’s “poo” example, wondering how her mother would know if the color was healthy or not.

But the 1980s mom revealed a much more relaxed approach, explaining that the answer simply related to the child’s diet and Google was not necessary.

Then Taylor asked, “What have you been doing without a monitor?”

To which her mother replied, “I was the monitor by going in and feeling you.”

But Taylor remained unsatisfied with this answer, wondering how her mother managed to regulate the temperature in the nursery or manage to sleep without a baby monitor by her side.

The 1980s mom answered bluntly, “If you were hot, you slept in a diaper, and if you were cold, you had a blanket around you.”

Finally, Taylor wondered, “Are you constantly worried or constantly berated with ‘enjoy these days, they’re only small for so long’.”

The 1980s mom (pictured left) took a more relaxed approach to parenting, but the millennial (pictured right) claimed her “anxiety would have hated the 80s”

Social media users were quick to share their thoughts on Taylor’s video, with one saying millennials were making parenting too complicated

Nasty to which her mother joked, “No, the days were long.”

Taylor captioned the video, “My anxiety would have hated the 80s. Or maybe you liked it?

‘Don’t know! #fyp #millennialsontiktok #parenttok #momsoftiktok #comedyvid’, but others disagree and believe 80s moms were right.

One said, “Maybe millennials are overcomplicating parenting?”

A second person added, “It’s almost like all technology, and it’s advertising, leads to so much unnecessary anxiety.”

A third wrote: “So basically Google just gives us too much information and scares us.”

A fourth person said: ‘We parented instinctively and used our mothers and grandmothers for answers’

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