Apollo Hospitals’ new insurance claims support platform and more instructions

Apollo Hospitals is now using a new health insurance claims solution from insurance technology provider ClaimBuddy.

A senior manager at the group said ClaimBuddy will help “accelerate claim approvals, reduce paperwork and improve the overall efficiency of our insurance desk operations.”

The insurtech solution is also used in more than 250 hospitals across India.

The National Rehabilitation Center in South Korea opens its clinical rehabilitation testing ground to help manufacturers of rehabilitation medical devices get their products approved.

It is said that most local manufacturers of rehabilitation medical devices are unaware of the standards – both local and international – and face difficulties in recruiting testers and accessing usability testing platforms.

The NRC will provide them with the space, equipment and manpower to conduct usability testing for software-as-medical devices, which is necessary for obtaining regulatory licenses. These include devices for cognitive therapy, treatment of mental disorders, electromyogram analysis, as well as cardiopulmonary, respiratory and musculoskeletal rehabilitation.

Pusan ​​National University Hospital now uses three da Vinci surgical equipment from US-based manufacturer Intuitive Surgical, after adding da Vinci SP, which is used for single-port surgery.

This comes as the hospital is expanding its scope of robotic surgery applications, which were initially intended for cancer surgeries involving the pelvic region, such as the kidney and prostate; it is now used in operations for stomach and intestinal cancer, the hospital shared in a blog post.

PNUH received its first robotic surgery equipment, the da Vinci SI, in 2013.

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University works together with the Mongolian National University of Medical Sciences (MNUMS) to establish a training center for advanced assistive technology.

In a first for Mongolia, the Assistive Technology Rehabilitation and Education Center at MNUMS will be equipped with various equipment, including 3D scanning and printing equipment and eye-tracking systems for assistive and alternative communication.

Under a statement, the training center will help promote the education of local rehabilitation professionals.

This is the first joint project of the universities after the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding, which aims to contribute to the Belt and Road Initiative.