- ANZ will prevent customers from receiving a new checkbook on June 16
The ANZ bank will prevent its customers from ordering a new checkbook within four weeks.
The bank’s 8.5 million customers were informed by email on Wednesday that internet banking customers will no longer be able to order a deposit book with checks from June 16.
This is despite the fact that the government indicated last year that controls would still exist until 2030.
“If you’ve never had a checkbook in your account, you can’t order one,” ANZ told its customers.
‘Some of our accounts currently allow you to use a deposit book when you make a deposit with us.
‘You can no longer order deposit books on these accounts.’
The ANZ bank will prevent its customers from ordering a new checkbook within four weeks
This comes less than a year after Treasurer Jim Chalmer announced the checks would be phased out by 2030.
But a Treasury consultation document released in December said the checks would not be phased out until the end of 2028.
ANZ is therefore phasing out chequebooks, four years earlier than proposed by the government.