Anti-woke American Tucker Carlson unleashes on the ABC and calls a female reporter ‘stupid’ in extraordinary rant

Tucker Carlson has called a female reporter “stupid” and unleashed it on the ABC during an extraordinary tirade at the Australian Freedom Conference.

The former Fox News host launched a fierce attack on the AAP reporter on Tuesday after she asked for clarification about his Great Replacement Theory.

She said Carlson had spoken on his show “4,000 times” about how Australians, Americans and Europeans were being replaced by non-white immigrants.

The anti-woke US commentator claimed he had ‘never said white people are being replaced, not once’, adding: ‘If you think that’s racist, that’s your problem’.

The reporter suggested that theories like the Great Replacement Theory had inspired a racially motivated mass shooting that left 10 dead in Buffalo, New York, in 2023.

‘Oh God! Come on!’ Carlson replied.

‘How do they get people to be so stupid in the media? I don’t think it pays well.

“Look, I’m sorry, I’ve lived among people like you for too long. I don’t want to call you stupid; Maybe you’re just pretending. But I am absolutely against violence.

Tucker Carlson branded woman ‘stupid’ for speaking out on the ABC during an extraordinary tirade at the Australian Freedom Conference on Tuesday (pictured)

‘For example, I am absolutely against the war in Ukraine, which you undoubtedly support and, like all dutiful liberals, support even more carnage. Not me. I actually hate mass shootings.

“Nothing I said would inspire anything. My views are not intolerant towards any group. They are honest.

‘They are factual. That’s not hate; that’s the reality. My views arise from my deep concern for the Americans.

“Americans don’t have children because they can’t afford it, and no one in charge cares.

“So that’s my position. That doesn’t inspire mass shootings. How dare you try to tie me to a madman who has been killing people. How dare you?’

The reporter suggested that was why Carlson supported gun control.

‘What?! I thought it couldn’t get any dumber, but it did,” he replied.

“No, I am not in favor of disarming law-abiding people so that they cannot defend themselves, so the government has a monopoly on violence. I do not think so.

“First of all, that’s illegal in my country, as you know. But besides, it should be illegal in every country.

“A sovereign person has the right to defend himself and his family, period. That said, I am against harming anyone.”

Carlson clashed with an AAP reporter at the Australian Freedom Conference (pictured)

Carlson clashed with an AAP reporter at the Australian Freedom Conference (pictured)

Tucker Carlson accused the ABC of being

Tucker Carlson accused the ABC of being “corrupt” during a fiery tirade in Canberra on Tuesday

The reporter asked if Carlson felt any responsibility for hate crimes in the US.

“I’m sorry, I’m trying to be charitable. I’m trying to be charitable. I thought, maybe you’re just playing dumb. Now I don’t think it’s an act,” he replied.

‘I love it. I just feel sorry. I mean, because I came here and the country is so incredibly beautiful, and the people are so cheerful and funny and cool and smart. I think your media should be better than ours.

“It can’t just be a bunch of neutered robots reading questions from the boss, and then it turns out to be exactly the same. Maybe even a little bit dumber.”

The commentator was answering questions from journalists after speaking at the Australian Freedom Conference held at the Hyatt Hotel in Canberra on Tuesday.

Carlson said he was “outraged” by the way media organizations aligned themselves with their governments before targeting the ABC.

“It’s a perfect reversal of what you should be doing,” he said.

“If you are a journalist, your job is to challenge power on behalf of the powerless, it is not to join the powerful against the powerless.

“And that’s exactly what you did. Your ABCs this morning in my hotel room before I looked around for an emesis bag.

“It was one of the most grotesque…I couldn’t even believe it was real.”

Carlson was invited to the Australian Freedom Conference by mining billionaire Clive Palmer (the pair are pictured ahead of his nationwide tour)

Carlson was invited to the Australian Freedom Conference by mining billionaire Clive Palmer (the pair are pictured ahead of his nationwide tour)

Carlson said he sympathized with people “who work for these companies that are really corrupt” but had “kids and a mortgage.”

“I get it, I’ve been there,” he told the crowd.

“But let’s be honest, everyone knows what it is, everyone knows how corrupt you are, so there’s a reason why they despise you.”

Carlson is currently on a speaking tour Down Under and attended the Australian Freedom Conference at the invitation of mining billionaire Clive Palmer.

The conference was attended by former Deputy Prime Minister Barnaby Joyce, Coalition Senators Matt Canavan and One Nation’s Alex Antic and Malcolm Roberts.