Anti-vaxx Idaho doctor sued over claims he misdiagnosed cancer forcing woman to undergo surgery

An anti-vaxx doctor in Idaho is being sued over claims he misdiagnosed a woman with endometrial cancer, leading to her undergoing painful surgery to remove her uterus and ovaries.

The woman, who wants to be called JB to protect her medical privacy, went to see her nurse specialist because of concerns about bleeding caused by menstrual problems.

Dr. Ryan Cole, a pathologist, was reported to have diagnosed her with the rare and aggressive cancer in July 2021 after a biopsy of her body was sent to a Boise-area lab that he owned.

She then underwent invasive surgery to remove her reproductive organs and surrounding abdominal tissue.

But three pathologists at the hospital examined the tissue when they were removed and saw no cancer. They then looked at the initial biopsy samples from Cole’s lab and found that they also showed no sign of cancer, meaning the serious and painful surgery the woman underwent had been completely futile.

She filed a medical malpractice lawsuit Wednesday in Ada County, accusing Cole, a member of the anti-vaxx organization America’s Frontline Doctors, of negligence and other damages. according to Idaho Capital Sun.

JB and her husband are seeking damages and compensation in excess of $25,000 for each of the three charges she used to beat Cole. The woman’s insurance covered much of the treatment she received, but she still had high out-of-pocket costs, the lawsuit alleges.

Anti-vaxx doctor Ryan Cole, an Idaho pathologist, is being sued over claims he misdiagnosed a woman with endometrial cancer, leading to her undergoing painful surgery to remove her uterus and ovaries

He diagnosed her with the rare and aggressive cancer in July 2021 after a biopsy of her body was sent to a Boise-area lab that he owned.

He diagnosed her with the rare and aggressive cancer in July 2021 after a biopsy of her body was sent to a Boise-area lab that he owned.

Cole made a name for himself with his views on Covid vaccines and is a member of America's Frontline Doctors, a group known for disinformation about COVID-19

Cole made a name for himself with his views on Covid vaccines and is a member of America’s Frontline Doctors, a group known for disinformation about COVID-19

After Cole’s diagnosis, she was referred to physicians who specialize in cancer and gynecologic cancers and consulted a St. Luke’s Health System gynecologic oncologist on July 20, 2021.

The lawsuit states, “At that time and based on Dr. Cole, discussed Dr. Perez different treatment options with[JB]including chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and surgery.”

JB chose to have surgery to remove the cancer cells and the surgeon removed her uterus, removed both of her ovaries and fallopian tubes, and tissue and lymph nodes in her abdomen.

Three pathologists at the hospital examined the tissue as they were removed and found no cancer.

The surgeon then requested the biopsy samples from Cole’s lab in early August, and the three pathologists determined that JB had never had cancer.

“The misdiagnosis of cancer caused (her) to have unnecessary surgery and the resulting pain and suffering of such surgery,” the lawsuit said.

“The misdiagnosis of cancer caused (the couple) significant emotional trauma by believing (she) had cancer and then being told she didn’t have cancer.”

Eric Rossman of Rossman Law Group, one of two Boise law firms representing JB and her husband in the case, said, “I can’t even imagine getting a diagnosis like that from someone and then wondering that time – or knowing or believing you had a very serious form of cancer.

‘And then just to find out after that radical, extensive procedure that there really isn’t any cancer at all.’

It took JB six weeks to heal from the physical impact of the surgery and she was essentially trapped on the second floor of their house because it was too painful to walk up and down the stairs.

Her husband said she had “internal trauma and a lot of pain” and the couple had no money for the surgery.

The lawsuit charges Cole with negligence, labeling his conduct as “reckless and excessive … constituting an extreme deviation from reasonable standards of conduct” with “understanding or disregard for the likely consequences.”

It also states that Cole Diagnostics, where Cole is CEO and medical director, is liable for his actions.

Both Cole and his practice are charged with negligent infliction of emotional distress, including “severe mental distress” that left JB with “severe and chronic insomnia, anxiety, fear of doctors, and severe headaches,” and her husband had insomnia and anxiety.

Cole has previously said COVID-19 vaccines can cause cancer or autoimmune diseases, though there is no evidence to support his claims

Cole has previously said COVID-19 vaccines can cause cancer or autoimmune diseases, though there is no evidence to support his claims

The Washington State Medical Board charged him in January with violating standards related to COVID-19 and patient care

The Washington State Medical Board charged him in January with violating standards related to COVID-19 and patient care

She and her husband are seeking damages and compensation, the amount to be determined in court, but will exceed $25,000 for each of the three charges, according to the lawsuit.

They are also seeking damages for money spent on medical bills resulting from the misdiagnosis.

Cole made a name for himself with his views on Covid vaccines and is a member of America’s Frontline Doctors, a group known for disinformation about COVID-19.

He has previously said that COVID-19 vaccines can cause cancer or autoimmune diseases, although there is no evidence to support his claims.

About two weeks after allegedly misdiagnosing JB with endometrial cancer, Cole told an America’s Frontline Doctors meeting in San Antonio, Texas, “I’ve seen a 10- to 20-fold increase in uterine cancer in in my lab for the past six months.

“In the past six months. When did we start recording? January? How much increase in cancer in solid tumors will we see in the coming years? Probably a lot.’

The Washington State Medical Board charged him in January with violating standards related to COVID-19 and patient care.

Cole, who is licensed as a physician and surgeon in Washington state, has made false and misleading statements regarding the COVID-19 pandemic, vaccines, treatments and masks, according to the indictment.

The commission said his public statements about COVID-19 were “harmful and dangerous to individual patients, created distrust in the medical profession and public health, and had a widespread negative impact on the health and well-being of our communities.”

Last month, he said those who get vaccinated are getting an “extremely contaminated product” and that public health officials lied and “killed many.”

“If you’re injured, we now know why. If you were forced, you got an extremely contaminated product,” he wrote on Twitter.

“Public health has completely lied and should completely lose your trust. No quality control, never. They killed many. A failed gene-injected product. If you believed them…”