Anthony Fauci FINALLY admits he got key Covid advice wrong


Anthony Fauci FINALLY admits he should have been ‘much more careful’ with his words during the pandemic — after flip-flopping on masks and exaggerating vaccine figures to boost uptake

  • Disease expert made the admission at a medical conference in California
  • Dr Fauci has been heavily criticized for his flip-flopping on face masks
  • He also quashed discussion over theories Covid emerged at a lab in China







Dr Anthony Fauci has finally admitted he got key aspects of his Covid public health advice wrong.

America’s top infectious disease expert said he should have been ‘much more careful’ with his words early in the pandemic.

He told a medical conference on Tuesday that he wished he had been more open with the public about the uncertainties at the time. 

Dr Fauci was heavily criticized for flip-flopping on face masks and exaggerating the herd immunity target to encourage more people to get vaccinated. 

He also quashed discussion about Covid’s origin and denied virus-tinkering experiments went on at the Wuhan facility at the center of the lab leak theory.

The outgoing White House medical adviser was speaking at the University of Southern California’s Center for Health Journalism on Tuesday.

When asked if he wished he had communicated better during the pandemic, he said: ‘The answer is yes… I mean, my goodness, no one’s perfect. Certainly I am not.’ 

Dr Anthony Fauci has finally admitted he got key aspects of his Covid public health advice wrong. He told a medical conference in California on Tuesday (pictured) he wishes he’d beeen ‘much more careful)

Asked at the conference whether he regretted any advice he gave during the Covid pandemic, Dr Fauci admitted: ‘You know, the answer is yes.

‘When I go back in the early months, I probably should have tried to be much, more more careful in getting the message to repeat.

‘[To get across] the uncertainty of what we’re going through.’

When Covid first reached American shores in January 2020, Dr Fauci was one of the first to advise that nothing needed to change.

He admitted the error yesterday, but argued: ‘If we knew then that this virus under the radar screen was transmitting in a way that was not fully appreciated and any of us would have said; “hey, you know, we’ve had five cases in the country, we need to shut down”, people would have looked at us like we were crazy.’

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