Anthony Albanese boasts about his achievements as Prime Minister – and defends his handling of the cost of living crisis

Anthony Albanese has defended his approach to the cost of living as he delivered a report on his government halfway through Labour’s current term.

Speaking at the Lionel Bowen Dinner in Sydney on Tuesday evening, the Prime Minister also highlighted Labor’s promises, 18 months after its May 2022 election victory.

Labor had ended a “wasted decade” under the Coalition when the government hit the ground running when it took office.

“One of our biggest priorities – every day – is taking action on the cost of living,” he told the party faithful in the ALP’s safe federal electorate of Kingsford-Smith.

The Prime Minister was the guest speaker at the Lionel Bowen Dinner celebrating a decade of service by Matt Thisthlethwaite, the Kingsford-Smith MP and Assistant Minister for the Republic

The Prime Minister has defended his government as it reaches the halfway point of its term. Pictured with his partner Jodie Haydon arriving in Delhi for the G20 summit in India in September

“We know that as the world continues to challenge Australia, Australians are feeling the impact.”

Underscoring his government’s commitment to real wage growth, Albanese said the Liberal Party was “absolutely livid” over its support for a $1-an-hour wage increase for the country’s lowest-paid workers.

He praised the record number of women in full-time employment and the narrowing of the gender pay gap, which is now at a record low, and Labour’s support for a historic 15 per cent pay rise for aged care workers.

“We have made the promise a reality for Australians,” Albanese said, against the backdrop of a Labor primary decline in multiple polls of voters.

The Prime Minister then listed the Government’s measures to introduce cheaper medicines, cheaper childcare and additional free TAFE places.

He also said the government is working to provide energy bill relief – a hot topic given last year’s increases in energy bills – for households and small businesses.

Mr Albanese underlined his government’s commitment to real wage growth

Anthony Albanese takes a selfie during the Lionel Bowen Dinner

Albanese backed Labour’s economic performance, pointing to a $22 billion surplus for 2022/2023, compared to a $78 billion deficit forecast by the coalition government.

“Because Labor is the natural home of fiscal responsibility and sound economic management, we are putting the budget back on a sustainable footing,” he added.

“We keep our word by putting our words into action, and we turn our actions into results.”

On foreign policy, Albanese said the government has been rebuilding Australia’s relationships with partners and trading partners, including China and France.

He contrasted Labour’s approach to the challenge of climate change with comments from former Liberal Prime Minister Tony Abbott that he did not believe in science.

The Prime Minister explained the government’s agenda, its legislation on climate targets, support for sustainable energy projects and electric vehicles.

He said the greatest economic transformation since the Industrial Revolution was underway. “That’s why Australia needs Labor – the only party that has never been afraid of the future, but looks at it with optimism and clear eyes,” he said.

Albanese took aim at Opposition Leader Peter Dutton, slamming the Queensland MP for claiming to be a Conservative while trying to “destroy our institutions”.

“A man who talks about the importance of social cohesion – but does everything he can to divide us as a society,” he said. ‘A man who talks about the importance of lowering the temperature – adds fuel to the fire.’

Earlier in the day, Dutton hit out at the Prime Minister in Victoria over rising energy bills and persistent inflation, which are putting pressure on household budgets.

“There are a lot of families scratching their heads wondering where the Anthony Albanese they voted for went,” he said.

“Anthony Albanese is now unrecognizable compared to the guy who was voted for 18 months ago.”

Tuesday marks 18 months since the government was elected and the middle of its current term.

Mr Albanese waved away a series of disappointing polls and delivered an impassioned and at times fiery speech aimed at reminding Australians why they voted Labour.

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