Anonymous reporters say ‘jawing’ with Biden Press Secretary Psaki ‘makes you look like an a**hole’


White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki’s aptitude for her job and quick wit make it ‘boring’ for reporters who are trying to squeeze a story out of her during her daily briefings, a new report suggested on Friday.

One journalist complained that ‘jawing’ with Psaki over tough questions made people look like ‘a**holes’ compared to the moral authority many reporters felt in challenging Trump administration officials.

‘Jen [Psaki] is very good at her job, which is unfortunate,’ one unnamed reporter who covered both Trump and Biden told Politico.

‘And the work is a lot less rewarding, because you’re no longer saving democracy from [first Trump Press Secretary] Sean Spicer and his Men’s Wearhouse suit.’

They added, ‘Jawing with Jen just makes you look like an a**hole.’

It’s part of a greater look Politico took at media coverage of Donald Trump versus today’s coverage of President Joe Biden — finding that the later has been a ‘journalistic sedative’ compared to the bombastic and adversarial headlines Trump made with his frequent clashes with the press. 

One news executive said there simply was not much interest in the White House anymore, despite reporters’ best efforts.

‘It’s not like there’s a lack of trying — these reporters are there every day to get anything out of the Biden White House,’ the executive said.

‘But it’s boring there, it’s not what it was.’ 

White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki ‘is very good at her job, which is unfortunate’ one unnamed reporter who covers her daily press briefings confided in Politico

Another executive said Psaki’s daily briefings have failed to catch their interest.

‘I can’t think of any [stars],’ they said according to Friday’s report. 

They added, ‘I don’t really watch the briefings.’ 

An anonymous journalist described covering the Biden administration as ‘difficult’ and ‘boring.’

‘It’s a boring and difficult job. It’s tough to be a White House correspondent if you want to break news, they’re so airtight,’ they said.

‘There’s no Maggie [Haberman]. Who’s the Maggie of the Biden administration? It doesn’t exist,’ they added, referring to the New York Times reporter who was known for breaking numerous scoops on Trump’s White House. 

Unlike Trump’s press secretaries, who often saw negative lines of questioning turned into a verbal wrestling match, the Friday report notes that Psaki avoids getting caught in extended entanglements with reporters.

The reporter said covering the White House was less rewarding ‘because you’re no longer saving democracy from [first Trump Press Secretary] Sean Spicer and his Men’s Wearhouse suit’

Symone Sanders, former press secretary to Vice President Kamala Harris, said the Trump administration’s goal ‘was to have an antagonistic relationship with the press corps.’

‘The goal was to attack and antagonize, vilify the press. The Biden team didn’t enter into that White House setting up an adversarial relationship,’ Sanders said.

‘The reason you have not seen these huge clashes that have resulted in the media stars, if you will, is that’s not the goal of the people when you walk into that building.’

She’s also reportedly leaving the administration for a television job at MSNBC, though the White House has not confirmed the matter.

When news of Psaki’s reported job-switch first broke, NBC News president Noah Oppenheim was forced to confront concerned network staffers in the Washington, DC bureau.

The NBC executive told staff who were worried Psaki would tarnish the brand that she would exclusively appear on left-wing channel MSNBC, according to CNN.

Oppenheim has no control over Biden-friendly MSNBC in his role leading NBC News.

Psaki has been forced to answer ethics concerns over how her reported new gig will affect her current role behind the White House briefing podium.

‘There are a range of stringent ethical and legal requirements that are imposed on everybody in this administration and many administrations past about any conversations you’re having with future employers,’ she said earlier this month.

‘That is true of any industry you’re working in. I have abided by those and tried to take steps to go beyond that.’

But she did not confirm or reveal any plans for after her White House tenure was over, instead saying: ‘At whatever time I leave the White House, I can promise you the first thing I am going to do is sleep, and spend time with my three and six year-old, who are my most important audiences of all.

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