Anguished face of drunk-driving mom as she’s jailed for horrible freeway mistake that killed both her children

A mother who drove drunk and made her children run onto a busy highway to retrieve a bag that had fallen from the roof of their car cried in court and begged the judge for mercy as she was sentenced.

Sandra Ortiz, 34, pleaded guilty and was sentenced Tuesday to three years and four months in prison.

The tragedy occurred in June 2023, when her two children were killed on a California highway after getting out of their SUV to “retrieve bags that had flown from their vehicle.”

Ortiz cried in court as she begged Judge Saba Sheibani to apologize.

“I want to apologize to my children,” Ortiz said. “I made a big mistake drinking and driving. I should never have done that; it was a stupid mistake. I love my children very much.”

Sandra Ortiz, 34, pleaded guilty and was sentenced Tuesday to three years and four months in prison. She was pictured crying in court as she was sentenced for a horrific drunk-driving incident that cost her two children their lives

Two of her children went onto the highway to retrieve the fallen object when they were struck by an oncoming vehicle, killing her 10-year-old son Alan and her 16-year-old daughter Amy.

Two of her children went onto the highway to retrieve the fallen object when they were struck by an oncoming vehicle, killing her 10-year-old son Alan and her 16-year-old daughter Amy.

“I’m just asking you, I’m begging you, Judge, please give me a chance,” Ortiz pleaded in court.

The incident occurred on California’s Route 78 in June 2023, when Ortiz pulled over after a piece of luggage fell from the family’s car.

Two of her children went onto the highway to retrieve the fallen object when they were struck by an oncoming vehicle, killing her 10-year-old son Alan and 16-year-old daughter Amy.

Prosecutors presented evidence showing the mother’s blood alcohol level was 0.14 percent two hours after the crash, nearly twice the legal limit.

It was also noted that she did not have a valid driver’s license at the time of the incident.

Video footage shows Ortiz crying as she is handcuffed by officers in preparation for her sentence.

During the sentencing proceedings, the children’s grandmother requested clemency.

Through an interpreter, Ortiz’s mother-in-law begged the judge for permission.

“We need her… I don’t want the other children’s lives to be ruined. They need their mother very much,” she said.

The mother had previously pleaded guilty to child abuse and drunk driving, and faced possible sentences ranging from probation to more than 10 years in prison.

“It is abundantly clear that society failed Sandra Ortiz on multiple levels,” Deputy District Attorney Marnie Lyon said in court.

The incident occurred on California State Route 78 when Ortiz pulled over after a piece of luggage fell from the family's vehicle in June 2023. The mother's blood alcohol content was 0.14 percent, nearly twice the legal limit, two hours after the crash

The incident occurred on California State Route 78 when Ortiz pulled over after a piece of luggage fell from the family’s vehicle in June 2023. The mother’s blood alcohol content was 0.14 percent, nearly twice the legal limit, two hours after the crash

“When you’re dealing with a case like this, there are no good outcomes,” Lyon said. ABC 10. “There is nothing that will bring those children back,”

“It’s very difficult when the person responsible for such a tragic outcome, the death of two children, is a parent,” she continued.

Ortiz was initially arrested for driving under the influence, aggravated traffic manslaughter and child endangerment.

In July, Ortiz was jailed three times in three weeks for violating her parole, having pleaded not guilty to child abuse and driving under the influence.

Prosecutors said at the time that Ortiz violated her parole by drinking alcohol, leaving San Diego County and failing to allow her supervisor to file charges for an extended period of time. CBS8 reported.

A GoFundMe for the grieving family has raised $34,725 toward a goal of $24,000

A GoFundMe for the grieving family has raised $34,725 toward a goal of $24,000

“It is truly a privilege to be released on your own recognizance, supervised, after a serious case like this,” Deputy District Attorney Stephanie DeJesus said after Ortiz’s arrest.

‘That’s why it’s so important that the court points out to the suspect that there are strict conditions that he or she must adhere to in order to remain free on their own. If you don’t adhere to those conditions, you will be sent back to prison.’

A GoFundMe for the grieving family has raised $34,725 toward its goal of $24,000.

‘The Aguilar family consists of Miguel, the grieving father; their loving grandmother, who has been a pillar of strength to them; and four younger siblings who are struggling with the loss of their older brother and sister.’

“This unexpected tragedy has left the family emotionally devastated and financially unprepared for the expenses associated with burying two young souls.”