‘Angry’ Senator Ben Cardin breaks his silence saying fired staffer who filmed gay sex had ‘breached trust’ and his office will cooperate with Capitol Police investigation

Senator Ben Cardin has expressed disappointment over reports that a now-former staffer participated in filmed sexual activity in a Senate hearing room.

The Maryland senator spoke two days later Democrat Congress assistant Aidan Maese-Czeropski, 24, was dismissed about the emergence of the tape – which was reportedly filmed in Room 216 of the Hart Senate Office Building.

The video shows an explicit sexual act between two men and was reportedly leaked after it was “shared in a private group for gay men in politics.”

Although it was not confirmed that he was one of the men, Maese-Czeropski was publicly linked to the Congressional hearing and is no longer employed by the Senate. In a social media post, he admitted he had shown “poor judgment.”

Contacted for the first time since Capitol Police launched a full-fledged investigation Monday evening, the 80-year-old Democrat said he was “terribly angry” and “disappointed” by the messages.

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Senator Ben Cardin expressed disappointment Monday evening over reports that a now-former staffer had participated in filmed sexual activity in a Senate hearing room

The video shows an explicit sexual act between two men and was reportedly leaked after it was 'shared in a private group for gay men in politics'

The Maryland senator spoke two days after his longtime congressional aide Aidan Maese-Czeropski, 24, was fired over the tapes' release

“I understand that the Capitol Police are investigating,” Cardin told reporters in DC on Monday evening, saying his office is “absolutely” cooperating with local law enforcement.

“My knowledge of this was over the weekend,” Cardin added, as the scandal continues to ripple through the House.

“When I heard about it, I made sure he was separated,” he continued, without mentioning Czeropski by name.

He also expressed confusion that the staffer — who appeared in a 2020 campaign video with Joe Biden — had somehow booked the room, but reiterated how is no longer with the Senator's office.

“He has left the Senate job and from our office's perspective the right steps have been taken,” said the veteran official who plans to retire after this term.

When asked not to go into detail about how well he knew the employee, Cardin declined, claiming it was a personnel issue.

Asked how he felt when he first heard the news – first reported by the Daily Caller – Cardin admitted: “I was angry. I was disappointed.'

He labeled the ill-advised film as 'a breach of trust'.

Asked how he felt when he first heard the news of the ill-advised amateur company in the Hart Senate Office Building, Room 216, Cardin admitted, “I was angry. I was disappointed.'

Hours before the story broke, reports surfaced that an unnamed Cardin staffer had posted a photo on social media of himself naked in a Hart hearing room.

Cardin expressed confusion Monday that the staffer — who appeared in a 2020 campaign video with Joe Biden (seen here) — had somehow booked the room, but reiterated that he was no longer with the office. is a senator.

'I was angry, disappointed. It's a breach of trust. All of the above,” he said. 'It is a tragic situation that brings a lot of anger and frustration. “I'm concerned about our staff and the way they feel about this and the Senate staff.”

The scandal, meanwhile, first broke on Friday, when The Caller published the clip showing the blurred faces of the two men having sex in room 216.

Steeped in history, the venue has hosted several high-profile hearings over the years.

It was the site of a series of Supreme Court confirmation hearings that helped shape America's legal landscape, and it was the location for the 9/11 Commission.

But last week, as confirmed by Fox News, it was the setting for something much less stately: a dirty sex scene filmed from the POV of one of the participants.

The clip quickly made the rounds on social media, and people quickly began labeling Czeropski — who Cardin indicated Monday has not yet apologized — as responsible. These claims, Capitol Police have since confirmed, remain unproven.

Hours later, on Friday evening, Maese-Czeropski posted a message on his now private LinkedIn stating that while he had shown “poor judgment,” he would “never disrespect my workplace.”

Hours later, on Friday evening, Maese-Czeropski posted a message on his now private LinkedIn stating that while he had shown “poor judgment,” he would “never disrespect my workplace.” He was fired on Friday

“This has been a difficult time for me as I have been attacked because of who I like to pursue a political agenda,” the statement said.

“Although some of my past actions have demonstrated poor judgment, I love my job and would never disrespect my workplace.

“Any attempts to otherwise characterize my actions are fabricated and I will explore what legal options are available to me in these matters.”

Contacted by DailyMail.com On Saturday morning, Maese-Czeropski's mother, Magdalena Rivera Maese, said her son had been left distraught by the scandal.

“You don't want to know how he is doing,” Maese said in an interview.

On Monday evening, Capitol Police said in a statement to DailyMail.com that they were “still investigating” the sex tape and that there was “nothing new to report” at this point in their investigation.

Hours before the caller told the story, the Onlooker reported that an unnamed Cardin staffer had posted a photo on social media of himself naked in a Hart hearing room.

These reports are unsubstantiated as Capitol Police continue to investigate.

Cardin's office, meanwhile, released the following statement on Friday, citing a plethora of reports from “right-wing” media.

“As this is a personnel matter and under investigation, we will have no further comment at this time,” the office said.

Cardin, meanwhile, announced his retirement in May at the end of his current term. As for Maese-Czeropski, he did not immediately respond to DailyMail.com's attempts to contact him.

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