Angry passenger shoves two travelers out the way as chaos erupts on American Airlines flight

An angry American Airlines passenger was caught shoving two travelers away in a bizarre clip — before accusing one of assault for tapping him on the shoulder.

The passenger, named Vosièy Fvogèswièr, wore a metallic gold Michael Kors jacket and sunglasses and caused havoc on the flight from Charlotte to Fort Lauderdale when he tried to squeeze down the aisle and get out in front of other people.

In the rush, he ran into three women—two of whom got in the way—who tried to stop him from running ahead.

But raucous scenes unfolded as the passengers sent catty remarks back and forth before finally getting off the American Airlines flight.

The bizarre clip begins with the man shouting, “I make the rules as I go.” One of the women then shouts back: ‘And I’ll break them!’

The gold-clad passenger then charges through and pushes two people aside, trying to get closer to the front of the plane.

Then you hear a spectator yell, “We’ve got a hostile one here.”

Wearing a metallic gold Michael Kors jacket and sunglasses, the flyer wreaked havoc on the American Airlines flight from Charlotte to Fort Lauderdale

The bizarre clip begins with the man yelling,

The bizarre clip begins with the man yelling, “I make the rules as I go,” before one of the women fighting him yells back, “And I’m breaking them.”

He continues to knock people over as the trio of women engage in the petty squabble.

The disruptive flyer then yells at one of them, “Don’t be rude to me because one thing I can do is be rude back.”

Before mockingly throwing kisses at the women he pushed aside, he said, “I got you out of the way, that’s what I did. Have a nice day.’

Again, warning the women not to get on his bad side, he said, “The ghetto will come out of me baby.”

But one of the women snapped back, “Oh, I see that everywhere.”

At that moment, a flight attendant shouts over the loudspeaker that everyone must ‘politely’ leave the plane. The man then emphasizes, “Polite manner, ma’am!”

He then appeared to smear the women, getting tactical and mockingly apologizing, while also calling them a “Karen.”

At the same time, one of the women tries to calm down her friend in an attempt to stop her revenge attacks.

It doesn’t take long before he sees the person recording too, waves hello and repeats that ‘Karen’ is an ‘a**hole’.

In the midst of the chaos on the American Airlines flight, he says, “I’m an African American darling, I’m always worth it.”

Before mockingly throwing kisses at the women he pushed aside, he said, “I got you out of the way, that's what I did.  Have a nice day'

Before mockingly throwing kisses at the women he pushed aside, he said, “I got you out of the way, that’s what I did. Have a nice day’

And then he turns to another passenger and says, ‘Get me a good drink, I’ll show you who the fuck I am.

“She wants to record, I’ll give her a show, I’m an entertainer sweetie.”

Before the clip ends, one of the women touches him – to which he snaps, “You’re attacking me!” before driving off recording himself on his phone.

The person who documented the ordeal explained, “It was on a flight from Charlotte, NC to Ft Lauderdale, FL and this person sat at the far end of the plane and kept recording to himself that this was the first time he had flew. coach because he always flies first class.

“As the plane pulled up to the gate and the passengers were getting their things out of the overhead compartments, he began to push himself toward the front of the plane.

Until the ladies in the video, one that had a cast, couldn’t move it fast enough. When someone told him to wait like everyone else, this was his reaction, which ended in almost 6 minutes of non-stop vulgar mad rant, most of which I captured with my phone.

“When I got off the plane, I never saw him again, not even at baggage claim.”

American Airlines has been contacted for comment.