Anger as Greens MP Jenny Leong compares Australia’s treatment of Aboriginals to Israel and the Palestinians – in the wake of horrific dance party massacre: ‘Disgrace’

A NSW Greens MP has drawn a stark comparison between Australia’s historic treatment of Indigenous people and Israel’s policies towards Palestinians in the wake of Hamas’ bloody attack on the Jewish state.

Jenny Leong, who represents the inner electorate of Sydney in the NSW parliament, launched a vicious attack on Defense Minister Richard Marles on Monday after he condemned the ‘heinous’ attacks on Israel by Hamas.

Ms Leong took particular exception to Mr Marles, describing the attacks – which are estimated to have cost 700 Israeli lives, including 260 people killed at an outdoor dance party – as “unprovoked”.

‘Unprovoked?! This is a disgraceful statement from Defense Minister Richard Marles,” Ms Leong posted on X, formerly Twitter.

NSW Greens MP Jenny Leong has slammed Defense Minister Richard Marles as “shameful” for calling the Hamas attack on Israel “unprovoked”.

“It’s also appalling that tonight the Opera House will be lit up in support of Israel – what about all the Palestinian lives lost since the occupation?”

“What about the Palestinian Australian community mourning their loved ones?

“What about the decades upon decades of human rights violations against the Palestinian people? I am disgusted by the state and federal Labor governments for their actions in this regard.’

Ms Leong then tweeted that it “shouldn’t be surprised – because after all they (state and federal governments) also rule over a land still marked with the bloodstains of occupation and colonization with no end of injustice to First Nations people. first.

In a lengthy thread she said that “today and every day, I stand in solidarity and defiance with the Palestinian people.”

“I urge everyone to listen to the voices of the Palestinian people — and human rights organizations — providing much-needed perspective and historical context to the current escalation,” she wrote.

In a lengthy thread, Ms Leong labeled Israel’s actions as the “root cause” of all conflict in the region.

She echoed calls by Al-Haq, the Al Mezan Center for Human Rights and the Palestinian Center for Human Rights for UN Security Council member states to condemn the ‘illegal occupation, colonialism and regime of Israel’s apartheid.

She asserted that these things were the “root causes underpinning the ongoing waves of conflict in the territory” and called for “Israel’s immediate, unconditional and total withdrawal from the occupied Palestinian territory.”

The UN must take “concrete steps” to protect the Palestinian people and impose sanctions if Israel rejects these demands, Ms Leong said.

On Sunday, Mr Marles said there was no justification for these brutal attacks on Israel.

“Australia calls for an end to these attacks and recognizes Israel’s right to defend itself,” he said.

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese also called the attack ‘disgusting’ and told the ABC show Insiders on Sunday that the attack had been ‘indiscriminate’.

“Civilians have been targeted, killed and killed, and also, many of them have been taken hostage,” he said.

“Of course, people are concerned about escalation, but Israel has the right to defend itself and will do so.

“It’s been a very dark 24 hours.”

A chorus of other world leaders also condemned the Hamas attack, which included thousands of rockets fired at Israeli towns and cities.

Defense Minister Richard Marles said the Hamas attack on Israel was “despicable”, a description also used by Prime Minister Anthony Albanese.

Ms Leong’s tweets sharply divided her commenters with many angry that she had justified the brutal Hamas offensive.

“Civilians at a peace music festival had come, hey?” one person wrote.

“How very progressive,” commented another.

“You are a disgrace to Australia,” wrote another furious reply.

However, Ms Leong had her supporters.

‘THANK YOU Jenny!!!!!!!!’ one person wrote.

“I am 52 years old and I have seen exactly 52 years of provocations from Israel,” said another.

“Israel has ignored the UN for decades while they expand unfettered into their neighbor’s land,” said one comment.

Israeli schoolchildren run for their lives across the desert after being warned of an upcoming rocket attack, just as Hamas took over the country on Saturday

“Is it any wonder the Palestinians object? It seems that (Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin) Netanyahu and his Trumpian thugs learned well from Hitler. Why is Australia providing unqualified support to these thugs?

More than 100 hostages are believed to have been captured by Israel and flown into Gaza by Hamas fighters, who flew over the heavily fortified border in para-gliders and poured through checkpoints by truck in a surprise attack.

The Tribe of Nova music festival near the border became a scene of rampant chaos when Hamas insurgents opened fire indiscriminately on partygoers who had only moments earlier been dancing happily.

On Sunday night, gruesome pictures emerged of bodies piled up in a tent at the festival.

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