And for my next trick… the Moon will vanish! Magician David Copperfield announces latest stunt that’s been in the works for the last THREE DECADES

  • The 67-year-old magician has been working on the stunt for the past thirty years

As illusions go, it should be out of this world.

David Copperfield, who has performed some of the most stunning tricks in the history of magic, has announced plans to ‘make the moon disappear’.

The 67-year-old star, the world’s highest-paid magician with an estimated net worth of $1 billion, has been working on the stunt for the past three decades.

In an interview with the Today show in the US, Copperfield said below that the moon trick, which he hopes to perform in February, would shed light on one of the world’s most persistent problems.

David Copperfield, pictured, is the world’s highest-paid magician with an estimated net worth of $1 billion

He said: ‘It took thirty years of work, that’s literally thirty years of our lives, to develop it.

‘There are multiple methods to make it work and I’m working with Save The Children, an amazing organisation, to show the world the difference one person can make.’

“If one person can make the moon disappear from the sky, imagine how together we can make poverty, hunger and danger disappear for our children on earth.” Copperfield is already deep in rehearsals for the stunt.

He said, “They’re doing well. In fact, I’ve been testing them out over the past few months and people have reported seeing strange things in the sky at night all over the country.

David Copperfield posted on his Twitter (X) page about the stunt he has been working on for three decades

“If anyone sees anything strange in the sky, please let me know by tagging me on Instagram, Twitter or Facebook.”

The star also revealed he would be launching a competition so a lucky few could see the stunt live.

Few doubt that the illusionist will be able to perform this trick. In 1983 he invited an audience of tourists to the Statue of Liberty.

He lowered a screen that was in front of the statue to show that it had apparently disappeared.

Copperfield raised the screen again and then dropped it to show the image back in its original position. In the past, he has also staged the disappearance of a Lear jet and an Orient Express dining car, as well as an Alcatraz prison escape.

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